- A half-wet-half-dry flue gas desulfurization method is proposed. 重点研究了钙硫比、烟气温度、喷水量、加湿喷嘴位置对烟气脱硫效果的影响。
- The oxidation of sulfite is an important process in flue gas desulfurization by ammonia method. 摘要使用气体放电等离子体对较高浓度的亚硫酸钠进行氧化,在不同电压和频率条件下进行了实验。
- NID,developed by ABB,is a semi-dry flue gas desulfurization technology that combines ash removal and desulfurization. NID半干法脱硫技术是ABB公司研制的一种集除尘和脱硫于一体的综合工艺,结构简单,具有较高的脱硫率。
- Flow gas desulfurization technology by magnesium oxide and its present situation of applicat... 介绍了镁法脱硫技术及其应用现状,并对该技术在我国的发展前景进行了阐述。
- The function of pyrolusite coexisting component in flue gas desulfurization was studied. 研究了软锰矿的共存组分在烟气脱硫过程中的作用。
- Korosy Louis B,Senatore Peter J.Flue gas desulfurization process[P].US4366134,1982-12-28. 邓志文.;低浓度二氧化硫烟气脱硫技术发展和现状[J]
- Korosy Louis B, Senatore Peter J .Flue gas desulfurization process[P].USP:4366134,1982-12-28. 袁孝竞;李围潮;盛在行;等.;高效填料塔中用柠檬酸/柠檬酸钠溶液进行烟气脱硫的研究[J]
- The essay mainly talks about the application of hydrocyclone in FGD(flue gas desulfurization)process. 主要论述了水力旋流器在烟气脱硫中的应用。
- The effect of the magnetically fluidized bed in flue gas desulfurization was investigated. 磁流化床对脱硫反应的强化作用分铁磁颗粒强化和磁场强化两方面。
- The semidry and semiwet flue gas desulfurization is a kind of semidry desulfurization technology. 半干半湿法烟气脱硫是半干法的一种。
- Zinc-titanate sorbent for hot gas desulfurization was tested on a pressurized bench-scale test unit. 介绍了在台架加压流化床反应器上进行的钛酸锌脱硫剂的热煤气脱硫和脱硫剂再生试验。
- Some problems had occurred under overload operation of AS gas desulfurization process at the Coking Plant of Shougang. 首钢焦化厂AS煤气脱硫工艺在超负荷运行情况下出现了一些问题。
- Thiobacillus ferrooxidans was chosen as the main kind of bacterium in research of gas desulfurization. 研究了自行选育的氧化亚铁硫杆菌的生长特性。
- Humidification plays a key role in SO_2 removal for semi-dry flue gas desulfurization(FGD). 烟气增湿对半干半湿法烟气脱硫起着关键作用。
- Investigation on calcium-based sorbent used for flue gas desulfurization are reviewed and future study is supposed. 综述了近年来钙基燃煤烟气脱硫剂的研究情况,指出了钙基燃煤烟气脱硫剂今后的研究重点。
- The blockage of swirler in the wasted water system of flue gas desulfurization(FGD)equipment resulted in the unstable operation problem of system. 针对烟气脱硫装置中废水系统旋流器堵塞,致使系统不能稳定运行的问题进行了分析。
- Influences of recycle and second grade water spraying on semi dry flue gas desulfurization efficiency have been experimentally investigated. 研究了脱硫灰渣再循环以及分级喷水对新型半干法烟气脱硫系统的特性的影响。
- Limestone/gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization has been proved to be an efficient desulfurization technique and applied widely. 石灰石/石膏湿法烟气脱硫已被证明是一种高效的脱硫方式,得到了广泛的应用。
- A pilot research on flue gas desulfurization of double circulating fluidized bed (DCFB) has been carried out by pilot hot facility. 利用循环流化床烟气脱硫热态试验装置对双循环流化床烟气脱硫工艺进行了中试研究。
- A new selective methyl-diethanolamine was used to substitute conventional monoethanolamine in a refinery gas desulfurization unit. 在炼厂气脱硫装置上,采用新型选择性甲基二乙醇胺脱硫溶剂取代了传统的单乙醇胺。