- gas distributing pipe 分气管
- Application of Remote Measurement Technology in Town Fuel Gas Distribution Pipe Network 遥测技术在城市燃气输配管网中的应用
- Specification for Plastic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing 外直径可控聚乙烯气体分布管及管道系统用塑料机械配件的规范
- Standard Specification for Metallic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and TubingF 用于外径控制热塑供气管道和支管的金属机械性连接件规范
- Based on information of abnormal gas zones, a trend surface method is used to simulate gas distributing rule in the paper. 本文在分析瓦斯异常带成因的基础上,采用趋势分析方法,用趋势面来模拟瓦斯带的分布规律,设定趋势分析剩余值的阈值即可以划定出瓦斯异常带。
- Deep zone reservoir type and oil gas distribution pattern in Bohai Gulf basin. 渤海湾盆地深层油气藏类型及油气分布规律
- China: Economic Regulation of Long Distance Gas Transmission and Urban Gas Distribution II. 中国:天然气长距离运输和城市配气的经济监管2。
- Main products are laboratory furniture, fume hood, ESD workstation, storage cabinet, high purity gas distribution, etc. 气路的设计和安装;为您精心打造安全的、科学的、绿色的实验室。
- The function of city distribution pipe network lie to supply user adequate volume and required pressure during assigned time and under working conditions. 配气管网功能就在于在给定的时间内及工作条件下,向用户提供足够的气量和要求的压力。
- The gas distribution system shall cover from the gas outlets on the benches or fume hoods to gas regulator manifolds at the cylinder area. 气体管路安装从气瓶站总阀门到工作台上各个气体阀门。
- Denudation area does not reflect uplift structure and cannot determine oil and gas distribution. 因而,剥蚀区不是隆起构造的反映,也无控制油气分布的作用。
- The influence imposed by drainage lane to goaf gas distribution is much larger in goaf's top layer than in underlayer. 泄排巷对采空区瓦斯分布的影响上层比下层更大。
- The system consists of two air blowers (one of them as a common spare), air piping and grid distribution pipe. 这个系统包括两个送风机(其中一个备用)、空气管和氧化空气分布管。
- The oil and gas distributed mainly in the Tugulu Group of Cretaceous and the Xishanyao Group and Toutunhe Group of Jurassic . 陆梁油田油气主要分布于白垩系吐谷鲁群、侏罗系的西山窑组和头屯河组;
- It also states the relationship between deep surpressure and deep oil and gas distribution in the Paleogene of Qibei area. 论述歧北地区下第三系深层超压与深部油气分布的关系 ,认为深部油气的分布与异常超压带的分布密切相关。
- Air distribution piping systems almost invariably use soft copper tubing with soldered fittings. 压缩空气的分配管道系统无例外地都是用焊接管件的铜管。
- Main task of threecomponent seismic survey is to test gas distribution in Songliao Baisin, and predict lithologic reservoir. 松辽盆地北部三分量地震勘探的主要任务是检测天然气的分布范围,预测岩性油气藏。
- Studied its tectonic framework, distribution and feature, the studies of mud diapiric developing process, genesis, and gas distribution are discussed. 在对莺歌海盆地泥拱分布规律和结构特征研究的基础上,探讨了泥拱的形成机制、发育过程及其与油气分布的关系。
- An important factor in the implementation of each WACS scheme will be whether there are any major constraints to installing the distribution pipe network and discharge pipes. 在每一个WACS方案的实施中,对于分送管网和排水系统的安装有无较大的限制,都是一个重要的因素。
- Mahu-Penyijingxi multi-source petroleum systems are the most important geological unit of oil and gas distribution in the Junggar Basin. 摘要玛湖-盆1井西复合含油气系统是准噶尔盆地油气分布最集中的地质单元。