- Wear protective gloves and safety shoes. 作业人员戴好防护手套,穿好防护鞋。
- In handling Ethana, avoid skin contact as far as possible; Wear a gas mask or airline mask and protective gloves as needed. 使用时尽量运离皮肤,戴上防毒气面具及防护手套。
- PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Neoprene or rubber gloves with cuffs. 防护手套:合成橡胶或带袖子的橡胶手套。
- Protective gloves and a safety helmet are worn to minimize injury. 戴上防护手套和安全帽,以便将受伤的可能降到最低。
- The disposal personnels are required to wear protective gloves, shoes and gas mask, also to use the chemical absorption cotton or cloth to handle the overflow of liquid. 处置人员须穿戴好防护手套、鞋子、防毒面罩,使用化学吸收棉或布料处理溢出的液体。
- When handling pigs or raw pork, wear protective gloves and avoid injury. 处理猪只或生猪肉时,戴上手套和慎防损伤。
- Wear protective gloves and goggles when mixing or using any cleaning products. 混合或者使用清洁产品时一定要佩戴好护目镜还有橡胶手套。
- Wear protective gloves and eye protector to prevent exposure to cutting dust or mist. 请戴保护手套和眼睛防护装置,以避免曝露在切割的灰尘与烟雾之中。
- Especially suitable for inert gas protection weld and gas cutting. 特别适用于惰性气体保护焊及气切割。
- Protective clothing for users of hand-held chainsaws - Part 7: requirements for chainsaw protective gloves. 手提式链锯使用者防护服。第7部分:链锯防护手套的要求。
- Gas protection device for evacuating high-boiling working media. 在较宽的压力范围内有较大的抽速;
- PAK-GERMAN COMPANY offers information to working gloves in addition to Protective gloves. GERMAN COMPANY是一家令客户满意的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如作业手套,防护手套。
- The application of STT gas protective welding in long-distance pipeline was developed via the two X60 and X52 pipeline materials welding. 通过对X60和X52两种管材进行根焊试验,探索其在长榆管道焊接中的应用,为同类焊接提供借鉴。
- In addition, protective gloves, soap, and instructions about the importance of their use have been provided to traditional healers and midwives. 此外,已向传统治疗师和助产士提供防护手套、肥皂及其使用重要性的说明。
- Inert gas protect welding is used, special glue is applied for the second sealing to ensure no leakage. 使用惰性气体保护焊接,并灌注专用胶进行二次密封,确保电池无泄漏。
- Standard accessories are also included in the price (jug, funnel, protective gloves, protective glasses, areometer, thermometer). 但这段话是出自一个老外之口,应该没有问题,如果学过化工专业英语的人似乎可以看懂!
- Some new fablics which have excellent properties are introduced in detail, especially the protective clothing and protective glove. 以防护服、防护手套为重点,介绍了目前性能优良的新型防护纺织品。
- YDS-450-400 container of liquid nitrogen,made of hight-strength steel,is welded by inert gas protective welding mainly used for long-term storing up of organism cells. YDS-450-400液氮容器,由高强度不锈钢经惰性气体保护焊焊接而成,主要用于生物细胞的长期储存。
- Employ local ventilation and protective gear, including chemical goggles or safety glasses, and protective gloves, throughout drying and melting operations. 当进行树脂干燥和熔化时,需要进行局部通风并穿戴防化学品手套,化学安全眼镜等。
- After the discussion, Li Xiaolong requests to take to bring with the protective glove to go into a well apprehends the water snake, and rescues is been stranded old person. 讨论后,李小龙要求带上防护手套下井捉拿水蛇,并救出被困老人。