- His lust for power will never be satisfied. 他的权力欲永不能得到满足。
- Design and test on a small-scale biomass gasification for power system 小型生物质气化发电系统的设计与测试
- The dictator was greedy for power. 那个独裁者贪图权力。
- It is quite obvious that he has a lust for power. 很显然他渴求权势。
- We are mere pawns in the struggle for power. 在权力斗争中我们只是一批小卒。
- Nothing could sate the careerist's greed for power. 什么也满足不了这个野心家的权力欲。
- The two parties duelled for power. 两党为权力而斗争。
- He struggles for power and money in the firm. 他在公司里争权夺利。
- He was filled with lust for power. 他内心充满了对权力的渴望。
- gasification for power 气化发电
- It is quite obvious that he have a lust for power. 很显然他渴求权势。
- Both parties are hungry for power. 两党都渴望掌权。
- Future work will look at the both coal and petroleum coke gasification for electric power with the coproduction of liquid transportation fuels. 今后的工作将看看在两个煤和石油焦气化电力与联产液体运输燃料。上面的翻译不太准确,请大家帮帮忙!谢谢!!!
- Nothing would satisfy her greed for power. 她对权力贪得无厌。
- Three armed groups were contending for power. 三个武装集团在争夺权力。
- A struggle for power took place within the company. 公司内部发生了权力斗争。
- Obviously, everybody is simply greedy for power. 显然,人人都是贪恋权势的。
- There is no morality in struggles for power? 没有永远的正义,只有永远的权力?
- Be prepared for power cuts by buying candles. 买些蜡烛,为停电做准备。
- New method for power saving of beam pumping units. 游梁式抽油机节能新技术探讨。