- gate back catch 门后钩
- The back caught a flare under pressure. 后卫在紧急之中接了一记短横传。
- I can open the back gate at midnight. 午夜的时候我可以打开后门。
- The hinges grated as the gate swung back. 大门自动关上时,合叶发出吱嘎的响声。
- And feeling it only polite to repay the young count's compliment, Ilagin scanned his dogs, and pitched on Milka, whose broad back caught his eye. 伊拉金认为应当毕恭毕敬地回报年轻的伯爵,他于是把他的猎犬打量一番,选出了那只身段宽阔的引他注目的米尔卡。
- The guard walked back and forth in front of the gate. 警卫在大门前走来走去。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- A man appeared at the castle gate in the guise of a woodcutter. 一个男子打扮成樵夫的模样出现在城堡的门口。
- Did you remember to padlock the gate? 你是否记得用挂锁把大门锁上?
- I saw him make by the gate on his bicycle. 我看见他骑自行车从大门旁边过去了。
- In theory, either of them could make a maiden Grand Prix appearance this season, and were they to impress sufficiently, De la Rosa could yet find himself rele gated back to testing duties. 理论上,他们两人之中任何一个都可以在本赛季首次出战分站赛,如果他们能给车队留下足够深刻的印象,德-拉-罗萨就有可能重拾测试车手一职。
- The truck came to a dead stop out of the gate. 那辆卡车在大门外突然停下。
- A flock of sheep poured through the gate. 一群羊从羊圈口涌了出来。
- Have you closed the gate and windows? 你把门窗关严实了吗?
- Please latch the front gate when you leave. 走时请把大门的碰锁锁好。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- The gate screeched as it opened. 大门打开时发出刺耳的声音。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员们通过。
- Do exercise every day and you'll be back in condition. 每天锻炼锻炼,你很快会恢复健康的。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。