- If the current network flow is abnormal,ANIDS can make an alert. 若发现当前流量异常,则进行报警。
- Clearly, the pressure drop out of the gate current unfavorable impact of the shutdown GTO. 显然,这个压降对抽出门极电流不利,影响GTO的关断。
- Once the device begins to conduct, it is latched on and the gate current can be removed. 一旦器件(晶闸管)导通,门极电流即可去掉。
- According to the gate current result, the direct tunneling and F-N tunneling regime will be discussed. 直接穿隧电流之实验结果和F-N穿隧电流之实验结果将被个别讨论,以了解不同的形成原因。
- Firstly,several current network topology configurations for EPON are presented. 首先介绍了EPON的几种现有网络拓扑结构。
- The thyristor can be trigged into the on-state by applying a pulse of positive gate current for a short duration provided that the device is in its forward blocking state. 如果是处于正向阻断状态,只要在门极提供一个短暂的正脉冲,晶闸管就会导通。
- With respect to a bipolar transistor, the condition in which the gate current equals or exceeds the value necessary to provide full emitter collector conduction. 就双极型晶体管而言,其门电流等于或超过必要的值,使发射极集电极充分导通的一种状态。
- Another issue is that the current network was built for circuit-switched services. 另一个问题是,目前的网络是为电路交换服务而建立起来的。
- During conduction, if the gate current is zero and the anode current falls below a critical limit, called the holding current, the device reverts to the forward blocking state. 在导通时若门极电流为零,阳极电流低于临界极限(即保持电流),该元件便恢复其正向截止特性。
- DQDB metropolitan area network is a promising solution for the evolution from current networks to B-ISDN. DQDB城域网是实现现有通信网络向B-ISDN过渡的优选网络。
- See the aggravate of fast finished product of current network game, the wind be current that borrowed is long already. 看到当今网络游戏的速成品加剧,抄袭之风盛行已久。
- IE8 standardizes the support that one is reflected even if to current network address such Chinese seek location level. IE8标准化的一个体现就是对通用网址这样中文寻址标准的支持。
- The degradation of Idsatcan be ex- pressed as a function of the product of the gate current( Ig) and the num ber of charges injected into the gate oxide ( Qinj) in a simple power law. Idsat的退化可以用函数栅电流 ( Ig)乘以注入的栅氧化层电荷数 ( Qinj)的幂函数表达 .
- The complex direct current network may act according to G.R.Kirchhoff r system of equations solution. 复杂直流网络可以按照遗传资源基尔霍夫R系统的方程的解。
- The concept of PTN is broad.There are many programs to realize it under the current network and technical conditions. PTN 的概念比较宽泛,在目前的网络和技术条件下有许多实现方案。
- GTO is conventionally driven on a high enough amplitude and steepness with its current leading edge of drive circuit, which applies positive gate current for openness and negative current for shutoff. 摘要可关断晶闸管(GTO)要求其驱动电路提供的驱动电流的前沿应有足够的幅值和陡度,且一般需要在整个导通期间施加正门极电流,关断需施加负门极电流,幅值和陡度要求更高。
- Network traffic monitoring, statistics on current network traffic input and output flow. 网络流量监控,统计当前网络的输入流量和输出流量。
- Then with current network management technique, the author proposes a traffic measurement model based on RMON. 然后结合目前流行的网络管理技术,论文提出了一种基于RMON的网络流量测量模型,并对模型中的通信协议和采样原则进行了设计。
- Concerned expert expresses: Current network commonweal already started, warming up and move toward the right path. 有关专家表示:当前网络公益已起步,正在升温而走向正轨。
- In this paper, on the basis of analysis of current network operation conditions, some suggestions and solution on NOSS is put forward. 本文在充分分析现有网络运营现状的基础上 ,提出了对电信网络运营支撑系统(NOSS)的一些建议和解决方案。