- gauged mortar 规定砂浆
- Put your money into bricks and mortar. 用你的钱去买房子吧。
- The brick-layer at the top of the scaffold is calling for more mortar. 脚手架顶上的砌砖工人喊着要人再送些灰浆上去。
- The carpenter gauged the dowel with calipers. 那木匠用卡钳估量暗榫。
- The mason flushed the joint with mortar. 泥工用灰浆把接缝处嵌平。
- A layer of mortar upon which stones or bricks are laid. 灰浆层一层铺放石头或砖的砂浆层
- He picked up the calipers and gauged carefully. 他拿起卡钳仔细测量。
- Incoming trains; incoming mail; incoming mortar fire. 正进站的火车; 刚来的邮件; 正袭来的迫击炮
- The farmers pound rice in a mortar. 农民们在臼中舂米。
- The bricks were being gauged to fit uniformly. 砖块正在被打磨成标准尺寸。
- Frost and weather had eaten away the mortar. 风霜雨雪剥蚀了泥灰。
- The temperature should be gauged in the morning. 应当在早上量体温。
- This batch of bricks needs to be gauged again. 这批砖块需要再次凿形。
- All parts of an engine are rigorously gauged. 一个机器的所有零件都是经过精确测量的。
- Gauged tile has consistent texture and thickness. 成形瓦的材质和厚度是均匀的。
- A square board with a handle used for holding and carrying masonry mortar. 砂浆托板一种用来托起和盛放石造物浆泥的有柄四方板
- He ground the rock candy with a mortar and pestle. 他自己动手用研钵和杵把冰糖研成粉。
- To fill or finish with a thin mortar or plaster. 给灌浆;给涂薄胶泥用薄灰浆或薄泥浆充填或粉饰
- From these positions mortar fire was rained down upon reinforcements moving up through the valley. 密集的迫击炮火力从这些阵地射向由山谷那边上来的援军。
- The sound of mortar fire seemed to be closing in. 迫击炮的吼声似乎正在逼近。