- As you are planning to upgrade the steel enterprise, you also need to give consideration to every aspect of the social structure of Anshan. 你们除了考虑改造钢铁企业,也要综合考虑鞍山市的社会结构。
- The LDCs leaders should give consideration to two or more things national benefits and security. 在开放的国策中维护主权与保证国家安全,是适合发展中国家维护自身独立和发展的一条正确道路;
- Give consideration to the growth in earnings of labourer's salary, to introduce it against the poverty plan. 兼顾劳动者工资收入增长,推出反贫困计划。
- As you are planning to upgrade the steel enterprise,you also need to give consideration to every aspect of the social structure of Anshan. 你们除了考虑改造钢铁企业,也要综合考虑鞍山市的社会结构。
- Owners have the liability to take care of their animals and give consideration to the safety of both animals and people. 携带动物者须照顾自己带来的动物,并有责任顾及其动物本身及别人的安全。
- On the other hand, if the structure is semi-structured or unstructured, or unknown, you have to give consideration to modeling such data. 另一方面,如果结构是半结构化或非结构化的或者未知的,则必须考虑对这类数据进行建模。
- In connection with the planning of recreation facilities, the competent authority should give consideration to the provision of a canteen. 涉及到娱乐设施的规划,主管当局应考虑设立一个小卖部。
- Using the operating action as object of control,the scheme pay much attention to the confidentiality of BLP Model,and also give consideration to the integrity. 方案以访问动作为控制对象,着重体现了BLP模型所要求的机密性,同时也对完整性有所考虑。
- In this paper,authors raise fuzzy optimization models of portfolio selection which give consideration to both return and desiration. 本文提出了一种考虑收益和风险偏好的组合证券模糊最优化模型。
- To realize routinization of news live broadcasts, CCTV has to give consideration to the live broadcast of both news events and news columns. 中央电视台的新闻直播要实现常规化发展就必须同时考虑到新闻事件直播和新闻栏目直播两个方面。
- Senate Republicans also refers to the Shelby will give consideration to save the market hinder the adoption of the idea of the program. 参院共和党议员谢尔比也指会考虑打消阻碍救市方案通过的念头。
- As he made notes ,GaoYou gave consideration to both pronuncians and meanings , referenced to public opinions widely, and quoted copiously from many dialects. 高诱注书音义并重,兼采众说,旁引方言,为后代的训诂学提供了丰富的文化遗产。
- The Chinese criminallaw which embody the principle of balance between a crime and a punishment hasbecome a code which is based on retribution, and give consideration to utility. 我国现行刑法确立、贯彻体现了罪刑均衡原则,成为以报应为基础,兼顾功利的二元罪刑均衡的刑法典。当然,在一些微观层面上的不足,也是以后的刑法立法所要解决的问题。
- The company should also give consideration to the social benefit while pursue profits to maximize for the shareholder, bear certain community responsibility. 公司在为股东追求利润最大化的同时,还应兼顾社会效益,承担一定的社会责任。
- Generally speaking the development of the creative products should not only give consideration to the novelty, efficiency and face higher uncertainty, shorter life cycle. 摘要:创意商品的开发一般而言不但要兼顾新奇、效率而且还要面对较高的不确定性、较短的开发期。
- Superficiality and origin should been differentiated when treating,should treat the origin by reinforcing the spleen and the kidney,and give consideration to the superficiality. 治疗当分标本缓急,缓解期(中、晚期)当治其本,培补脾肾,兼顾其标。
- Genetic algorithm based High Level Test Synthesis(HLTS) method is proposed,which can give consideration to testability in the course of various resource allocation. 摘要 提出一种基于遗传算法的高层次测试综合方法,在进行各种资源分配的过程中同时考虑可测性问题。
- He believed Maggie was apt to follow the inclination of the moment without giving consideration to the outcome. 他认为玛吉容易一时冲动,随心所欲而不顾后果。
- To give consideration or thought to (an idea). 考虑:对(一个想法)给予考虑。
- Is the Principle of "Giving Priority to Efficiency and Giving Consideration to Fairness" out of Date? "效率优先,兼顾公平"的原则过时了吗?