- gave myself airsv. 摆架子(装腔作势;盛气凌人)
- I gave myself a good sloosh with cold water. 我痛痛快快地洗了一次冷水澡。
- give myself airsvi. 摆架子(装腔作势;盛气凌人)
- I'm determined to give myself wholly up to Christ. 我决心把自己的整个身心都交给基督。
- I gave myself an hour for the journey. 我给自己一小时跑那一段路程。
- I gave myself over to each novel without reserve. 我潜心读每一本小说,不受任何限制。
- I gave myself a box: one large plastic lidded box. 这是一个思想观念问题。
- I gave myself upo be scared and devoured! 任凭他将我吞没,坦然迎接惧意!
- "I give myself over to my rapture. “我沉浸在巨大的喜悦之中。
- But I still want to give myself a chance! 但是我还是很想再给自己一次机会!
- I walked into a door in the dark and gave myself this black eye. 在黑灯瞎火中,我一头撞到门上,成了这种眼青鼻肿的样子。
- given myself airsv. 摆架子(装腔作势;盛气凌人)
- I nearly gave myself a rupture lifting that pile of books. 提那一大堆书差点儿让我得了疝气。
- Into a bottomless vale I fall - O, I give myself away. 跌入了这无底的山谷,噢,我放弃了生命。
- I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English. 当自己的英文表现不错时,给自己奖赏或好好吃一顿。
- And still, foul and low as I was, I would, in the exorbitance of my vanity, give myself the airs of a fine man of fashion. 我下作,但我竭力装作正人君子,因为我虚荣之极。我自甘堕入世俗的情爱。
- Absurdly I held it and weighed it in my hand, to give myself courage. 我可笑地拿起枪,在手里掂掂,替自己壮胆。
- Give myself a light mak-up, change my mood and do everything confidently. 化妆,看起来不错。调节心情,有时候让我变得更自信。
- I give myself another errand, digging my manager about greater value. 再给我点儿别的差事,挖掘一下我这个经理人的更大价值。
- Clay obviously is a little bit of a different story. But still also there I gave myself a chance to win the French. 红土上情况显然稍微有些不同。但我还是会争取机会赢得法网。