- general arrangements to borrow (GAB) 一般借款协定
- general arrangement to borrow [经] 借款总安排
- Hong Kong was the first to subscribe to the New Arrangements to Borrow. 香港是率先叁加新借贷安排的。
- He uses his house as security to borrow the money. 他用房子作借钱的抵押。
- He makes it a rule never to borrow money. 他无论如何也不向别人借钱。
- He had the crust to ask to borrow my new car! 他竟有脸借我的新车!
- I'd like to renew these library books(= arrange to borrow them for a further period of time). 我想续借这几本图书馆的书。
- The Executive Board of the IMF adopted a decision on the New Arrangements to Borrow. 国际货币基金组织执行董事会就新借贷安排作出决定。
- I arranged to borrow one of GCHQ's sample Hagelins, and took it back up to London in the boot of my car. 我设法从英国通信总部借来了一部“哈盖林”样机,并把它放在我车子的后部行李箱内带回伦敦。
- He had lost his case and had to borrow Tom's pyjamas. 他丢失了手提箱,不得不向汤姆借睡衣。
- We also need to further increase the IMF's capital base in order to expand its NAB, or New Arrangements to Borrow. 我们还应该进一步增大IMF的资金池,以扩大其新的贷款协议。
- I'd like to borrow a book a book on computer technology. 我想借一本计算机技术方面的书。
- I suppose you want to borrow money from me again? 我猜你又要找我借钱了吧?
- They made an arrangement to meet at 3 p. m. 他们商定下午三点钟见面。
- They made an arrangement to meet at 3 in a cafe. 他们商定下午三点钟在咖啡屋见面。
- Raft, FRP, Paint Test, Oblique Towing Test, General Arrangement. 关键字:管筏,玻璃纤维强化塑胶,油墨试验,斜航试验,一般布置图。
- Arrangement to keep money in a bank. 在银行存钱的安排。
- This is clearly shown in our recent $1 billion participation in the Thai adjustment package, led by the IMF, the New Arrangements to Borrow, and our recent membership of the Bank for International Settlements and the World Trade Organisation. 最近,香港借出十亿元支持国际货币基金组织发起的泰国经济重整行动,此外还叁与新借贷安排,并成为国际清算银行和世界贸易组织的成员,这些例子,都清楚显示香港致力促进国际金融经济合作的决心。
- We made an arrangement to meet at 10. 我们安排在十点会晤。
- He played on her good nature and managed to borrow some money from her. 他利用她的善良,设法从她那儿借了些钱。