- Multisectoral general equilibrium model A computable general equilibrium model which covers several sectors. 跨行业总体平衡模型指覆盖几个行业的可计算的总体平衡模型。
- Finally, this thesis constructs a computable general equilibrium model, analyzes the policy effects. 最后,论文建立了可计算一般均衡模型,定量测试所提出的政策建。
- In a general equilibrium model, a tax on a single factor in its use only in a particular sector can affect the returns to all factors in all sectors. 在一般均衡模型中,对仅在某一特定部门使用的某种要素课税,可能影响到所有部门的所有要素的收益。
- Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE), as a tool for quantitive policy analysis, has been proved to be considerably effective. 可计算一般均衡模型(Computable General Equilibrium Model,CGE)已被证明是一个行之有效的定量化政策分析工具。
- Therefore, on base of the combination strategy, the paper constructs the transportation and spatial computable general equilibrium model (SCGE) joint assessment model. 因此采用模型组合策 略,运用一般均衡的思想,构建了交通与空间可计算一般均衡模型(SCGE)联合评估模 型的逻辑结构。
- Computable General Equilibrium Model was set up to simulate the influence of levy carbon tax on China s macro-economy, energy saving and CO2 emission reduction. 利用可计算一般均衡模型,模拟了碳税征收对中国宏观经济、节约能源和抑制CO2排放的影响。
- First, some beneficial improvements are made in a dynamic general equilibrium model of inflation targeting monetary policy rule to make it more convincible. 文章首先在一个盯住通货膨胀货币政策规则的动态一般均衡模型中,加入汇率波动的价格传导系数以及汇率波动的财富效应项,对模型进行了有益的扩充;
- The full name of CGE model is computable general equilibrium model, which isa numerical picture of the abstract general equilibrium model and often used todemonstrate how endogenous variables react to the change of exogenous variables. CGE 模型,即可计算的一般均衡模型(Computable General Equilibrium),是对抽象的一般均衡模型给出具体的数字设定,从而判断外生变量变化会导致内生变量如何变化的模型。
- Using a dynamic computable general equilibrium model of China, this paper discussed the oligopoly of Chinese steel industry through the introduction of scale economics and imperfect competition. 摘要利用中国动态可计算一般均衡模型,通过引入规模经济和不完全竞争,刻画了中国钢铁产业的多寡头垄断新格局;
- A general equilibrium model with banking sector and consumer-producer microeconomic foundation is constructed to analyze the mechanisms of twin crises in the emerging market economies. 摘要本文构造了一个具有银行部门和消费-生产者微观基础的一般均衡模型,分析了新兴市场国家双重危机的发生机制。
- A multi-country computable general equilibrium model is employed to evaluate the production, export, and employment variation which took an effect together with the poultry sector. 本研究利用多国可计算一般均衡模型来评估由于家禽部门疫情而影响之国际间生产、出口以及就业变化。
- Conrad, K. and Schroder, M., 1993, “Choosing Environmental Policy Instruments Using General Equilibrium Models”, Journal of Policy Modeling 15(5?): 521-543. 经济部能源委员会编印,1998,中华民国八十六年台湾能源平衡表。
- Applied and Computable General Equilibrium Model 应用和可计算一般均衡模型
- CGE computable general equilibrium model 可计算的总体平衡模型
- Computable Dynamic General Equilibrium Model 可计算一般均衡模型
- Computable general equilibrium model (CGE) 可计算一般均衡模型(CGE)
- Computational general equilibrium model 可计算一般均衡模型
- Computable general equilibrium model (CGE); 可计算一般均衡模型(CGE);
- The first half of the semester is an introduction to the techniques and the applications of dynamic general equilibrium models, with particular emphasis on models of economic growth. 学期的前半段是对于动态一般均衡模型的技巧与应用的介绍,重点特别放在经济成长的模型上。
- computable general equilibrium model 可计算一般均衡模型