- General map: Xiaoguai little difficult, mainly pay attention to a few of the names of the green, and the skeleton of rock. 一般地图:小怪没什么难的,主要是注意几个绿名字的,还有那个岩石骷髅。
- General map of non-consumption down, because to Bing Xin's lament, almost all of the cards have astrange bit of skill, you can look at the video master, their practice is the most important. 一般全图下来无消耗,因为从冰心到悲鸣,几乎所有的怪都有卡位的技巧,大家可以去看看高手视频,自己练习才是最重要的。
- Maps of a searched location (down to city scale) can be created either by zooming in the general map or by entering a place name, postcode. 可通过缩小或放大普通地图或输入地名、邮政编码来创建特定区域探索地图(最下可至城市级)。
- It can also be used for seeing general maps of an area, allowing the user to zoom in and out as desired. 它也可以用作普通地图见到面为了让用户在变焦、出应有的作用。
- This paper infers a general mapping function H( w) by analysing a rational fractional funct ion of a complex variable. It's properties are given by our discussion. 本文从一般的有理复函数着手,导出了一个普遍的H映射函数,讨论了该函数的性质。
- Abstract : In this paper, we study the chromatic and dichromatic sum functions of rooted general maps on the plane.The chromatic and dichromatic sum function equa- tions of such maps are obtained. 摘要 : 本文研究了平面上一般带根地图的色和与双色和,得到了这类地图的色和与双色和函数方程。
- The old general was puzzling over the old map. 老将军对着那张旧地图苦苦思索着。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我觉得那相当好。
- The general decided to fly up to see his soldiers. 将军决定飞向北部去看看他的士兵们。
- In addition to generating maps, a GSS can give us street addresses, information about plants and animals in an area and more. 除生成地图外,GSS还可为我们提供街道地址和某一区域内动植物的相关信息以及更多其它信息。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。
- The general has taken the helm of the states. 这位将军掌握了国家领导权。
- He was appointed the general consul of Japan. 他被任命为驻日本的总领事。
- He was exalted to the position of general manager. 他被提升到总经理的职位。
- The proposal was met with general acceptance. 这建议得到普遍的赞同。
- In the army, the general takes rank of the colonel. 在军队里,将军较上校有优先权。
- The general effect of the painting is overwhelming. 这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势。
- The general's speech infused keenness into the men. 将军的演讲给人们注入了激情。