- Please expound the significance and function of the General Part of the Internationl Private Law Code. 注:考的是热点问题。中国国际私法法典总则部分的重要功能和意义。黄进教授的一篇论文专门论述国际私法总则部分。大家可以查阅2003年中国国际私法学会年会论文集。第一篇即是。
- In South America, the Civil Code of Brazil of2003 and both Drafts of Puerto Rico and Argentina of1998 have just introduced a general part. 在南美洲,2003年巴西民法典和波多黎各民法典草案与1998年阿根廷民法典草案就引入了总则。
- In South America, the Civil Code of Brazil of 2003 and both Drafts of Puerto Rico and Argentina of 1998 have just introduced a general part. 在南美洲,2003年巴西民法典和波多黎各民法典草案与1998年阿根廷民法典草案就引入了总则。
- First, the general part introduces the definition and origination, the relation between the observers and the observed ones, and the viewpoints for observing. 概要部分综述了行动观察的概念与发展、观察者与被观察者关系、观察视点等基础内容。
- The Law Program of Study bases its syllabus on five courses of civil law: General Part, Obligations, Contracts, Real Property Law and Family together with Succession Law. 法律学习纲要上的民法课程包括五门:总则、法、同法、权法以及家庭与继承法。
- Generate Part of the Page Dynamically with a VB Server-side component. 通过VB的服务器端组件动态的产生部分页面。
- Brief expound the significance and function of the General Parts in codes of private international laws. 简要论述国际私法典总则部分的重要性与作用。
- Metal-processing machinary, general squipment, s peaial equipment for industry, casting, forging, general parts and overload goods for autcmcbiles. 经营范围:金属加工机械、通用设备、工业专用设备、铸锻件及通用零部件、汽车超重货物。
- Acoustic sheds shall be provided to enclose the noise generating part of oscillators and drill-rigs to achieve at least 15dB(A) noise reduction. 此外,亦须设置隔音棚,以便把振荡器及钻架发出的噪音减少至少15分贝(A)。
- NAPA is subordinate to the American General Parts Company(GPC),which has 80 years history,also the biggest dealer of auto parts &accessories in the world. NAPA隶属于美国通用配件公司(GPC),具有80年的历史,是世界上最大的汽车配件和用品销售商。
- In 1985, China implemented the reform in theelectricity generation part to gather capital and start to deregulate the industry. 从1985年开始,我国在发电环节实行了集资办电、放松规制的改革。
- Leojet sincerely offers R&D service, moulds fabricating, toolings &test equipments fabricating, parts manufacturing and general parts sourcing service. 立杰公司真诚提供设计开发、模具制造、工装夹具制作、零部件制造和标准件采购服务。
- For the general parts, it is because of the deep-rooted Chinese feudalist ideology formed during several thousand years. 从大的方面来说,是中国几千年根深蒂固的封建思想在作怪;
- Moreover, there are small general parts within the regulation of Contracts and Property Law in the Argentina Draft of 1998 and the Brazilian Civil Code in force since 2003. 另外,1998年阿根廷草案和2003年生效的巴西民法典在合同法和财产法的中都设有小总则。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。
- the general part of the law of obligation 债法总则
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- My general impression was that it was quite good. 大致上我觉得那相当好。
- The general decided to fly up to see his soldiers. 将军决定飞向北部去看看他的士兵们。