- general police power 一般警察权
- The misuse of police power in return for favors of gain. 警察滥用权力以换取好处和利益。
- The criminal police power is important constituent of the state power. 摘要刑事警察权是国家权力的重要组成部分。
- As long recognized, some values are enjoyed under an implied limitation and must yield to the police power. 正如长期以来所公认的那样,财产的一些价值,在法律隐含的时效内是可以享用的,但必须服从于行政权力。
- Compared with nomocracy, the legality and justness of modern police power are two equally important concept. 相对于法治而言,现代警察权的正当性和合法性是同等重要的两个概念。
- In order to make it function well, the police power need to be impellingly limited and regulated. 要使警察权运行规范有序,必须对警察权进行强有力的规制。
- "In furtherance of the exercise of the police power of the state in protection of its citizens and resources... 你引一段不引一段,天真如“就是不高兴”之类的还真以为可以像被麦当劳烫伤的老太告麦当劳一样家长告那些个老师。
- And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! 国家的警察力量伴随着它也一起被扭曲了!
- A state could not contravene the freedom of contract unless there were obvious and compelling reasons for exercising the police power. 各州不能侵犯契约自由,除非有明显而且充分的行使管理权的理由。
- A state could not contravene the freedom of contract unless there were obvious and compelling reasons for exercising the police power . 各州不能侵犯契约自由,除非有明显而且充分的行使管理权的理由。
- Police power is a strong public power which is likely to be abused to infringe civil rights, so there is a need to regulate it. 摘要警察权是一种强大的国家公权力,现实生活中时有被滥用而侵犯公民权利的现象,有必要对其进行规制。
- Xinhua Beijing on September 28 before the police power in Poland's Wieliczka in southern Poland have arrested a 70-year-old man. 新华网北京9月28日电波兰警方日前在波兰南部的维利奇卡逮捕了一名70岁的男子。
- In China, the police power of the very extensive, it is the right of police administration and police at the criminal justice reunification. 在我国,警察权的内容非常广泛,它是警察行政管理权和警察刑事司法权的统一。
- If the police power of the states is allowed to abridge the contract rights of parties, it will continue until private property disappears completely. 如果警察权允许用来削减立约权,那么它将持续到私人财产完全消失为止。
- The construction of police power is the foreland in the democratic government system, and the core of building democracy and harmonious society as well. 摘要警察权建设是政府法治体系工程中的前沿领域,也是构建和谐社会和建设法治政府的重心所在。
- The general was girded with the supreme power. 将军被授予最高权力。
- Police power is legal,compellent, universal,which involved many fields,and if which lose restriction and criterion, human rights can be infracted easily. 警察权具有法定性、强制性、广泛性等特征,涉及面广,对其一旦失去制约和规范,极易造成对公民权利的侵害。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。
- First, the anomie of police power is divided into three types: the offside of the police power, the lack of the police power, and the dislocation of the police power. 首先根据我国警察权运行的实际状况,将警察权失范归纳为三种表现,即警察权越位、警察权缺位、警察权错位;
- Police power in a community, the situation in some countries shows that the actual operation of the rule of law and civilized development of this country. 警察权在一个社会、国家中实际运行的状况在某种程度上标志着这个国家法治文明的发展水平。