- general principles of taxation 租税原则
- "Pain, pain is general principle of" impassability. 感觉很奇妙的哦!!。
- And the general principles of the fer-rite formation are briefly discussed. 对各类铁素体的形成规律作了简要讨论。
- He rejected all attempts to predicate general principles of morality and law on the empirical nature of man. 他否定了所有试图将道德和法律的一般原则建立在经验人性基础之上的作法。
- General principles of Pinyin Input Method: Input consonant, single vowel and then compound vowel. 拼音输入一般的规律是:先选声母,再选单韵母,最后选择复韵母。
- General principles of constitutionalism and the basic structure of ROC government would be the main requirement. 使学生熟悉宪法基本原则和政府的基本架构。
- "General principles of the Law of Tort",by philips Janes M.A London Butterworths 1978. 孔祥俊.;合同法教程[M]
- E. R. Hardy Ivamy, General Principles of Insurance Law. London,Butterworth 1986. 邹海林.;责任保险论
- A new system of taxation will be brought into effect next year. 新的税收制度将于明年实行。
- The general principles of the three analogies rest on the necessary unity of apperception at every instant of time. 所有这三种类比的普遍原理,就每一时间里一切可能的经验性意识(知觉)而言,依据的是统觉的必然统一。
- Forman R T T.Some general principles of landscape and regional ecology[J].Landscape Ecology, 1995(10) 133-142. [角媛梅;肖笃宁;马明国.;河西走廊典型绿洲景观格局比较研究[J]
- Thirdly, our policy of taxation and trade is based on the principle of "external control and internal flexibility". 再次,我们的税收贸易政策,是采劝对外管理对内自由”的原则。
- The first stage was initiated in February 1997 by the Standing Committee of the NPC which laid down certain general principles of interpretation. 第一阶段的工作由全国人民代表大会常务委员会于一九九七年二月展开。
- Thirdly,our policy of taxation and trade is based on the principle of "external control and internal flexibility". 再次,我们的税收贸易政策,是采劝对外管理对内自由”的原则。
- Any system of taxation lends itself to manipulation by clever or unscrupulous men. 任何税收制度都有可能被那些狡猾诡诈的人或无耻之徒钻空子。
- Others go even further and advocate the elaboration of an international restatement of general principles of contract law. 其他人进而倡议以国际重述的形式详尽阐述合同法普遍通行的原则。
- The principle of impartiality, an important principle of taxation, should not be ignored. 税收的公平原则入手,认为该原则是调节个人收入分配的一个重要的税收原则。
- The general principles of dynamics are rules which demonstrate a relationship between the motions of bodies and the forces which produce those motions. 动力学的基本原理就是表明物体的运动与产生这种运动的力之间的关系的规律。
- What is the rate of taxation on my video player? 我的放像机应交的税率是多少?
- Abstract: this principle The principle of impartiality, an important principle of taxation, should not be ignored. 文章摘要: 税收的公平原则入手,认为该原则是调节个人收入分配的一个重要的税收原则。