- generalized Hopf bifurcations 退化Hopf分岔
- The occurrence of Hopf bifurcations is observed when the parameters are in ceertain range. 观察到了在在一定的参数范围内,异步电动机间接磁场定向控制系统会出现霍夫分岔。
- Hassard B D,Kazarinoff N D,Wan Y H.Theory and Applications of Hopf Bifurcation[M].Cambridge University Press 1981. 李继彬;冯贝叶.;稳定性、分支与混沌[M]
- By using the Hopf bifurcation theory, a competition diffusion model with delay is investigated. 利用霍普夫分歧理论讨论了一类含时滞竞争扩散系统。
- On the boundary of the stable region, a couple of conjugate transverse modes destabilize, and a Hopf bifurcation takes place. 在稳定区域边界 ;一对共轭横截模式失稳 ;导致同步混沌的Hopf分岔 .
- Nonresonant Hopf bifurcation of Van der Pol-Duffing sytem[J].Journal of National University of Defense Technology,2001,23(2):107-110(in Chinese). Van der Pol-Duffing系统的非共振Hopf分叉[J].;国防科技大学学报;2001;23(2):107-110
- It is the first time to obtain the real railway vehicle’s limit cycle curve and Hopf bifurcation point by roller rig test in the world. 论文还介绍了试验台自1995年启用以来,所完成的新型机车车辆大型试验情况,以此说明由于有科学、合理的设计技术路线,试验台的研制非常成功,在我国高速、重载机车车辆的研制过程中发挥了重要作用。
- Also, the comments on Hopf Bifurcation from two anonymous reviewers led me to correct some inaccurate statements in the first version of the manuscript. 此外,两位不知名的审稿人对Hopf分岔的意见使我能改正本文初稿中某些不确切论述。
- The bifurcation points, bifurcation diagram and three circumstances of period solution bifurcation leading to unstability are acquired for SFD rotor system, namely saddle node bifurcation, Hopf bifurcation and period doubling bifurcation. 数值计算得到了SFD 转子系统发生周期解分叉时的分叉点、分叉图及周期解分叉而失稳的 3种情况 :即鞍结分叉、Hopf分叉及倍周期分叉。 最后采用Floquet理论对SFD 转子系统的稳定性进行了分析。
- This paper analyzes the state of Hopf bifurcation in a chaotic system, judge the direction of the bifurcation by calculating the first Lyapunov coefficient, and then briefly discuss some corresponding dynamic system behaviors. 摘要讨论了一个混沌系统的霍普夫分叉情况,并通过计算系统的第一李雅普诺夫系数判断了其分叉的方向,对相应的动力系统行为也作了简要的分析。
- During the research course, the effect of bogie suspension parameters, track parameters, lateral link stiffness and lateral link damping between cars on train(vehicle) Hopf bifurcation speed are also educed. 在研究过程中,既研究了车辆系统悬挂参数对列车(车辆)HOpf分叉速度的影响,也研究了轨道参数对列车(车辆)系统HOpf分又速度的影响,同时还研究了车间横向连接刚度 导和横向连接阻尼系数对列车系统运动稳定性的影响。
- Use of this drug is now fairly generalized. 这种药现在用得相当普遍。
- B. D. Hassard, D. Kazainof, and Y. H. Wan, Theory and Applications of Hopf Bifurcations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981 郝柏林,从抛物线谈起:混沌动力学引论,上海科技教育出版社,上海,1993
- Observed a state of generalized discontent. 观察一个有普遍不满情绪的国家
- Hopf Bifurcation of a Viral Model with Delay 一类具有时滞的病毒模型的Hopf分支
- Hopf bifurcation in a viral model with time delay 一类具有时滞病毒模型的Hopf分支
- System Equivalence in Hopf Bifurcation Analysis Hopf分歧分析中的系统等值化简
- Keywords HABs;dynamics;stability;HOPF bifurcation; 赤潮;动力学;稳定性;HOPF分岔;
- high-dimensional Hopf bifurcation 高维Hopf分岔