- genetic map distance 遗传图距
- To date, research on the application of the genetic map is very limited. 对基因图应用的研究工作还是非常有限的。
- Genetic map of worker bee appeared W316bp fragment,but male bee does not. 结果凡是三品系意蜂的工蜂均出现一高产浆特异标记W316pb条带 ,但三品系意蜂的雄蜂均无W316bp条带。
- A genetic map. 基因图谱
- Chromosome map (genetic map) A diagram showing the order of genes along a chromosome. 染色体图谱(遗传学图谱):显示染色体上基因顺序的图谱。
- With the higher heritability, the smaller QTL variance and the shorter map distance between two adjacent markers, the evaluation accuracy of animal model MBLUP would be increased. 结果表明,性状的遗传力越高、QTL方差和相邻两个标记间图距越小时,动物模型MBLUP评定的准确性越高;
- After all,the desperate need to replace ourselves is etched into the genetic map of every living thing. 毕竟,繁衍后代的迫切需要已经深深地印在了每个物种的基因图谱中。
- It is these markers that are used to do genetic mapping. 正是这些标记物被用于绘制遗传图谱。
- Genetic map constructed by molecular markers is a powerful tool for analyzing plant genome structure and function. 利用分子标记构建的遗传图谱是植物基因组结构和功能分析的有力工具。
- The physical positions of px in 2L and cld in 4L coincide with those in their genetic map pattern. px在2号染色体上的物理位置以及cld在4号染色体上的物理位置都与它们的遗传位置相符。
- On the other hand, the long map distance (9 cM) between RPR1 and qBLSR-11-1, a major resistance QTL identified formerly,implied that RPR1 might not be a key factor for BLS resistance in rice. 但从对RPR1定位的结果看,RPR1与之前定位的抗细菌性条斑病主效QTL之间尚有9cM的图距,两者之间的连锁并不紧密,说明RPR1的表达并不能解释抗病品种Dular对细菌性条斑病的抗性,RPR1并不是水稻表达细菌性条斑病抗性的关键因子。
- Adding Li'job, a genetic map including 94 SSR locis, 31 ISSR locis and 3 HMW-GS locis distributing 20 chromosomes (not including 3 A) was constructed. 综合李斯深等绘制的该群体图谱,共拟合94个SSR标记位点,31个ISSR位点,3个HMW-GS位点,涉及20条染色体(不含3A)。
- Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) was adapted to identify RAPD markers linked to dwarf gene Dsl. Totally 1041 primers were screened and only one polymorphic band S470.416 was found linked to the Dsl locus with a map distance of 9.2 cM. 采用群分法(BSA)筛选了1041条RAPD引物,找到了一个与Ds1基因连锁的RAPD标记S470.;416,与Ds1的遗传距离为9
- In this study, a RIL population derived from SLG and Zhenshan97 was used to construct a genetic map and measure the traits. 本研究以大粒亲本SLG与珍汕97构建的重组自交系为基础,通过构建其分子标记遗传连锁图,全基因组定位与水稻粒重、农艺性状和品质性状等相关的数量性状位点,探讨粒重与产量,粒重与品质的相关关系。
- Conclusions It suit to the small pedigree data.Multipoint linkage analysis can not only calculate the recombination and map distance,but also localize the disease gene to one side of the marker. 结论适用于小家系资料的多位点连锁分析,不仅能算出致病基因与标记的重组率和遗传距离,而且能把致病基因定位至遗传标记的一侧。
- An F1 population from Dongzao Linyilizao was used to study the segregation pattern of AFLP markers and construct a genetic map for Chinese jujube. 以72株冬枣×临猗梨枣F_1代为材料,研究了AFLP标记分离方式,构建了枣连锁图谱。
- On the contrary, the evaluation accuracy of animal model MBLUP would be decreased when the heritability was lower, QTL variance was larger and map distance between two adjacent markers was longer. 相反,当性状的遗传力较低、QTL方差和相邻两个标记间图距较大时,动物模型MBLUP评定的准确性则较低。
- Scientists now have a genetic map of the potato. The project is the work of a team from fourteen countries, the Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium. 科学家获得了马铃薯的基因图。这个课题由十四个国家组成的马铃薯基因测序协会共同进行研究。
- This article reviews the main aspects of application of molecular markers in pea, including genetic diversity, the construction of genetic map, gene localization and QTL analysis. 作者综述了豌豆分子标记的种类及其在豌豆种质资源遗传多样性、传图谱构建、因定位、tl分析等方面的研究进展。
- A molecular genetic map of flue-cured tobacco was constructed with a 137 doubled haploid (DH) population from a cross of 2 flue-cured tobacco varieties Speight G-28 and NC2326 by using ISSR and RAPD as markers. 以烤烟品种SpeightG-28和NC2326杂交得到的137个DH系为作图群体材料,通过ISSR和RAPD标记的遗传连锁分析,构建了包括27个连锁群、由10个ISSR标记和147个RAPD标记组成的烤烟分子标记遗传连锁图。