- Her wedding ring be make of genuine diamond . 她的结婚戒指是用真正的钻石做的。
- Her wedding ring is made of genuine diamond. 她的结婚戒指是用真的钻石做的。
- She was at a loss when she lost her genuine diamond broach. 当她丢掉真的钻石别针时,茫然不知所措。
- My fake diamond ring can pass for a genuine diamond to the naked eye. 肉眼看上去,我的假钻戒可以以假乱真。
- Is this a genuine diamond? 这是真的钻石吗?
- The diamond ring dazzled with brilliancy. 这只钻石戒指闪耀夺目。
- The rogue passed it off as genuine. 那坏蛋拿它以假乱真。
- His diamond ring looked genuine, but it was a fake. 他的钻戒看起来像真的,但实际是膺品。
- She wears a diamond ring on her left hand. 她左手上戴着一枚钻石戒指。
- He has a genuine desire to help us. 他真心诚意地愿意帮助我们。
- She wore a diamond clip on her new dress. 她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。
- The jeweller pronounced the diamond to be genuine. 珠宝商宣称这钻石是真的。
- His diamond ring looked genuine, but it was fake. 他的钻戒看起来像真的,但实际是膺品。
- I saw diamond studs in her ears. 我看见她耳朵上戴着的钻石耳钉。
- The doublet looks like genuine precious stone. 这仿宝石看上去像真宝石。
- He thanked her with genuine affection. 他真情谢她。
- She selected a diamond ring from the collection. 她从收藏品中挑选了一枚钻石戒指。
- This jade dragon is a genuine antique. 这件玉龙是真正的古玩。
- The diamond was set in a gold ring. 这颗钻石嵌在一只金戒指上。
- Lost: one diamond ring. Finder will be rewarded. 寻物: 遗失钻戒一枚,寻得者将获重酬。