- The Geochemistry of Gold and Its Deposits II. 金的地球化学及金矿床2。
- Peculiarity of Landscape Culture in East Asia. 探讨东亚地区及整个东亚园林文化特点及独特性。
- What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? 你的家乡周围有什么景点?
- All aspects of landscape design. 景观设计的空间诸相。
- He thumbtacked the picture of landscape to the wall. 他用图钉把那张风景画钉在墙上。
- geochemistry of landscape 景观地球化学
- Side yards are usually among the most common of landscape problems. 方堆场通常是最常见的景观。
- Around the lowland there are several types of landscape. 低地周围有各种类型的风景。
- Research on Rare-Earth Elements Geochemistry of Coal-Bearing Strata II. 含煤岩系稀土元素地球化学研究2。
- They are the difficulty and subtlety of landscape's copy. 此山水画临摹的难处所在 ,妙处所在。
- Classification, application, and creation of landscape indices. 景观指数分类、应用及构建研究。
- Ecology has become the intrinsic nature of landscape designers. 生态主义已经成为景观设计师内在和本质的思考。
- Bruegel was a Flemish painter of landscape and scene of rural life. 布鲁格尔是弗兰德斯画家,他擅长风景画和描绘乡村生活。
- Isotopic geochemistry of granitic rocks from Tuomuer Peak region, Tianshan, China. 天山托木尔峰花岗质岩石的同位素地球化学特征。
- The study of the relationship between the geochemistry of a region and the animal and plant life in that region. 生物化学研究一个地域的地球化学与该地域动植物生命之间关系的学科
- Boyle R W. The geochemistry of gold and its deposits[J]. Geol. Surv. Bull.,Canady, 1979, 584. 陈大经杨明寿.;红土型金矿床的地质特征成矿条件及找矿评价标志[J]
- Title: Hydrogen and oxygen isotope geochemistry of high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks from Southeast Dabie. 关键词:大别山;超高压;变质岩;氢同位素;氧同位素;水-岩相互作用
- A narrow strip of landscaped earth in the middle of a street. 中间分隔带街道中间的一条狭窄的经过绿化的地带
- Based on geography and geochemistry of the rock-forming minerals in Kuzigan intrusion, this paper discusses the classification, intergrowth, and crystalline sequence of minerals. 本文在岩相学和矿物化学的基础上,着重研究了苦子干岩体主要造岩矿物的种属、共生关系和结晶顺序。
- The characteristics of geology, petrochemistry and REE geochemistry of the paleozoic volcanic rocks in Habahe, Altai, Xinjiang are expounded in this paper. 文中详细地论述了新疆阿尔泰哈巴河一带古生代火山岩的地质、岩石化学、稀土元素地球化学特征。