- geodesic lune 测地二角形
- External view of worlds largest Geodesic Display. 8通道板块投影显示系统视场曲线.
- This paper analyzes some methods of drawing the geodesic lines for. 分析船体曲板测地线作图方法,指出一种作图方法的错误。
- An optima solution of the problem of geodesic lenses[J]. 引用该论文 范俊清;李公羽;许承杰;鲁平.
- On our spherical earth each segment delineates a lune called a time zone. 在我们这第一个球形的地球上,被划成月牙形的每一个等分称为一个时区。
- That setup consisted of 51 inward-looking cameras mounted on a geodesic dome. 那次有51台摄影机装在球形顶棚上,同时向内拍摄。
- This year could be, so she's "Clair de Lune group" to start the "customer accounts. 可今年,她这样的“月光族”开始做起了“账客”。
- Colombo OL (1981) Numerical methods for the harmonic analysis on the sphere. Rep No 310, Dept Geod Sci Surv, Ohio State Univ, Columbus. 萧泰中(1999),中华二、三号卫星轨道测定之误差分析,国立交通大学土木工程学系研究所硕士论文,新竹市。
- Rock People have a definitive relationship or kinship with rocks of all kinds, including mountains, minerals, geodes, river rocks, pebbles and sand. 石头人和所有种类的石头都有一种正向的或者说亲密的关系,包括山脉、矿石、水晶簇、礁石、鹅卵石和砂石。
- But later that night, she's visited by the King of Cats and his procession of guards and told that the cat she saved was the King's son, Prince Lune. 小春不胜其烦,最后更被猫之国度的臣民掳走,带到猫之国度,从此展开奇妙之旅。
- The density of the required data of astronomical measurement, gravimeter survey and geodesic survey is not satisfied. 需要的天文测量、重力测量、大地测量等数据的密度无法满足其需要。
- The centres Centers for disease control lune prevention publish the Disease Control and Prevention published a report on the *findings. 疾病控制与预防中心发表了一篇关于改发现的报告。
- One of Fuller masterpiece is the Geodesic Dome for the 1967 Montreal World Exhibition. 他最脍炙人口的作品,是1967年在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的世界博览会中的巨型短程线圆顶。
- Geodesic domes do not just exist on drawing board, they exist in our real world. 短程线圆顶不单在建筑草图出现,在现今世界也确实存在。
- For this purpose,a single-layer geodesic dome model was designed and constructed based on the model similarity theory. 根据模型相似理论设计并制作了单层短程线网壳结构模型,同时设计了可动砝码加载方案,加工制作了砝码及支托。
- The geodesic dome was associated with the same sort of progressive thinking in design that led to the wind turbine. 导致测地线拱顶出现的渐进式设计思维,也适用于风力机。
- In the analysis of Form-finding, the geodesic string is introduced to accelerate the convergence of DR method. 在找形分析中引入测地线单元,加速了找形收敛速度。
- Layer picking is the base of doing geological explanation correctly in geodesic aims of GPR. 在探地雷达测量目的中,层位追踪是正确进行地质解释的基础。
- This function computes the geodesic surface distance between two cordinates on the surface of the Earth to an accuracy of about±50 meters. 这个函数计算地面上两个不同坐标之间的测地线距离,精度达到±0米。
- It seems only to be of possible interest in that some computation formulae are deduced in terms of the geodesic and its azimuth. 可能关心的,看来只是某些公式是用大地线及其方位角来推导的。