- This paper is a supplement or a note to the paper“Permanent Tides and Geodetic Datum”. 本文是对“永久性潮汐与大地测量基准[1]一文的补充和注记。
- Land Information NZ, “A Proposal for Geodetic Datum Development,” OSG Technical Report 2.1., New Zealand, pp. 1-47, 1998. 李瑞清、邬守中,“九二一灾区国家基本控制点之重建”,测量工程,第四十二卷,第四期,第85-100页,2000。
- In this process,the geocoding image mosaic needs rectification depending on the geodetic datum because of difference of the earth models and map projections used in the image mosaic. 由于两幅图像在地理编码中采用的地图投影方式和地球模型不同,所以在拼接处理时,需要在同一坐标系下通过地学基准转换参数进行修正。
- The traditional geographic data, which belong to different geodetic datum frames, make it difficult to manage and share in a common frame. 摘要由于传统的地理数据属于不同的大地基准框架,使得空间数据的管理和共享存在诸多障碍,为了实现各种基准下空间数据的转化和统一。
- In this paper, a new method of the inversion of linear elastic stress field using geodetic data is proposed. 本文基于地表大地测量位移观测值,提出用大地测量监测资料反演戏弹性构造应力场方法。
- More precise geodetic data make it possible to study the internal structure models of Europa, which may have a complex internal structure. 研究表明,木卫二有着比较复杂的内部结构:最外层是水冰层,中层是岩石幔,中心是金属核仰或Fe-FeS)。
- Permanent Tides and Geodetic Datum 永久性潮汐与大地测量基准
- The convergent and divergent velocities of active plate boundaries in the north hemisphere are obtained with space geodetic data. 利用现代空间大地测量技术测出北半球活动板块边缘会聚、扩张和滑动速度。
- On the modernization of Japanese geodetic datum 日本大地基准及其现代化的思考
- We derived a plate elastic motion equation, and based on the new space geodetic data, create elastic motion models for Philippine Sea, Pacific and Australian plate. 推导了板块的弹性运动方程,由空间大地测量新的观测成果建立了菲律宾海、太平洋和澳大利亚板块的弹性运动模型。
- The inequality constraints exist in anywhere in practice.However there is no mature and widely accepted approach or theory which deals with the inequality constraints in geodetic data processing. 摘要不等式约束是客观实际中普遍存在的一种约束,但目前大地测量数据处理领域并没有成熟、完整并被普遍接受的处理理论和方法。
- The relation of terrane physical change with crustal deformation is analyzed with GPS data, fixed ground tilt data and seismicity.It is a try to predict earthquake with GPS geodetic data. 摘要用地震活动性和水平形变资料及定点地倾斜资料分析构造活动中岩层物理变化与形变位移之间对应关系,对以后GPS观测的形变应用于地震预报做一些尝试性工作。
- Horizontal Geodetic Datum in Hydrography and its Transformation 海洋测量平面控制基准及其转换
- Towards Digital China the Modernization of Chinese Geodetic Datum 面向数字中国建设中国的现代大地测量基准
- Influence of Geodetic Datum on SAR Geocoding Image Mosaic 地学基准数据对SAR地理编码图像拼接的影响
- Research on the Construction of Jiangsu Modern Geodetic Datum 江苏省现代大地测量基准的建立方案探讨
- Modernization of Geodetic Datum in the Neighboring Countries 邻近国家大地基准的现代化
- The Dynamic Construction of the Geodetic Data Mode 大地测量数据模式的动态建立
- Advances of Modern Geodesy in Geodetic Datum, Satellite Gravimetry and Their Related Research Domain 现代大地测量在大地基准,卫星重力以及相关研究领域的进展
- On the Transformation Mathematical Model Between Different Geodetic Datum in Neighboring Nations 相邻不同大地基准系统的转换及数学模型研究