- Abstract: Hydrological and geological parameters are important factors for planning and design works of hazard prevention in hillslope. 文章摘要: 山坡地防灾工程的规划设计,常需考虑地文与水文参数,而这些参数常具有高度之不确定性。
- Combining with the designing and operating keys of Zhuang 1 Ping 5 Well, the specific methods are provided by using LWD system to survey well trajectory and geological parameters. 结合桩1-平5井设计与施工要点,提出了应用LWD测量井眼轨迹参数和地质参数(含自然伽马及电磁波电阻率)的具体方法和步骤。
- Combining with the designing and operating keywords of Zhuang 1 Ping 5 Well, the specific methods are provided by using LWD system to survey well trajectory and geological parameters. 结合桩1-平5井设计与施工要点,提出了应用LWD测量井眼轨迹参数和地质参数(含自然伽马及电磁波电阻率)的具体方法和步骤。
- A mathematical model of ore deposit can help us to know the mathematical relationship in geological parameters of ore deposit(ore body)and grasp the quantitative law in correlatable factors. 矿床模型可为同类矿床矿产预测和找矿勘探工作提供指导。建立矿床数学模型有利于摸清矿床(体)地质参数间的数学关系,掌握其相关因素间定量规律。
- The characteristics of the geological parameters affecting gas-well deliverability are analyzed and a correlation analysis of the gas-well deliverability with the geological parameters is finished. 分析了影响气井产能的地质参数特征,完成了气井产能与地质因素的相关分析。
- Furthermore, by using tringle crossplot method and Kukeer method, geologic parameters are calcul... 根据定性、定量评价气层的方法编制了数字处理软件。
- A radial model of single well and a 2D profile model of injection-production wells are built according to geologic parameters of Esh reservoir in Yanmuxi oilfield. 依据第三系油藏雁6块地质参数,建立单井径向模型和二维注采剖面模型,就雁木西油田开发存在的问题及注水过程中各项因素的影响情况展开分析。
- The diffrent combinations of calculation node and diffrent scales of data gridding were calculated by using the real geologic parameters from the beach area of Shengli Oilfield , and sat... 利用该模型对胜利油田滩海地区的实际地质参数进行了不同计算节点组合、不同数据网格规模的并行计算,取得了满意的模拟结果。
- Learning sample is selected based on Euclid distance of geologic parameters in the target well.The model is used to predict production variation for different sand volumes after fracturing. 通过该模型预测不同砂量下油井压裂后的产量变化情况,并结合经济评价方法来确定以经济效益为目标的最优加砂量。
- Analysis about the geological parameters of the shallow groundwater hydrograph 浅层地下水水文地质参数分析
- Utilizing Reservoir Basic Geological Parameters to Establish Weng Cycle Model 利用油藏地质参数建立翁氏旋回区域模型
- Determination of Hydrographical and Geological Paramet ers for Car-dumper Shed of Phase One Project of Huanghua Port 黄骅港一期工程翻车机房水文地质参数的确定
- We got success at a tr ial of some geological item. 该方法在某地质勘查项目定点实验中取得成功。
- We have to work within the parameters of time and budget. 我们工作受时间和财力所限。
- Study on geological parameters of rock mass in long and large tunnel by TV imaging method 试用TV成像技术研究长大隧道围岩地质参数
- Do geological faults exist in the vicinity? 周边是否存在地质缺陷?
- China Geological Coal Mine Corp. 中国地方煤矿总公司。
- The Balcones Fault is the geological dividing line. 鲍尔肯断层是地理分界线。
- They built it right over a geological fault. 它正好建在一个地质断层上。
- Suitable for highpower saws and geological broach. 适用于大功率锯切,优质钻头。