- New progress was achieved in geological prospecting. 地质勘查取得新进展。
- Great successes were achieved in geological prospecting. 地质调查成果丰硕。
- Introduction on new discovery of geological prospecting in Gejiu district. 个旧地区地质找矿新发现简介。
- Do you expect me to give my whole life up to geological prospecting? 你希望我献身于地质勘探(事业)吗?
- The geological prospecting enterprises completed a total of 5.36 million meters of drilling. 地质勘查完成钻探工作量536万米。
- Won one ministry level geological prospecting 3rd prize, two excellent achievement prizes. 曾获国家部级地质找矿三等奖1项、优秀奖2项。
- For example,geological prospecting is being carried out for anomaly zones CH1#,CH2#,CH3#,CH4# in Aerhada. 如阿尔哈达CH1、CH2、CH3、CH4号异常带,现正进行地质详查找矿;
- A geological prospecting engineer who had made a spectral analysis of ores discovered a new open-cut coalmine. 译文:一位地质勘探工程师对光谱进行了分析之后,发现了新的露天煤矿。
- They are suitable for the piston bars of sludge pumps, nozzles for sludge and spare parts for machines in mining and geological prospecting. 适应于地原矿勘探用泥浆泵活塞杆、泥浆喷咀及机械配件。
- To resolve the problem, it is necessary to ascertain the origin of radioactivity with geological prospecting as the first step. 要从源头上解决建材放射性超标的问题,必须查清其中放射性的来源,并从地质勘查抓起。
- Since restructuring, the Yumen Oilfield Company to focus on geological prospecting, oil and gas exploration play the battle. 重组改制以来,玉门油田分公司以地质勘探为重点,大打油气勘探攻坚战。
- First we adopt stream sediment sampling to circle Au anomaly then carry out soil geochemistry survey to reduce target area, finally geological prospect to locate gold ore bodies. 先采用水系沉积物测量圈出异常,然后进行土壤(岩石)测量缩小靶区,最后进行地质普查,发现金矿(化)体。
- Use the trademark bearing the production of wear-resistant parts and mining tools products to meet the press, shear, tensile and geological prospecting, and other requirements. 用这些牌号生产的耐磨轴承零件和矿山工具产品可以满足冲压、剪切、拉伸和地质勘探等各种要求。
- It showes that Nanling region is the best one for geological prospecting of tungsten deposits where it has favourable ore -genetic geological conditions. 我国南岭地区具备优越的成矿条件,是钨矿地质找矿的最佳地区。
- He added that the company obtained the American aspect to invite, will participate in the Alaska continental shelf the energy geological prospecting work. 他还说,公司已得到美国方面邀请,将参与阿拉斯加大陆架的能源地质勘探工作。
- For coring crowns,electric coal drill bits,coal cutting picks,cone drill bits and scraping knife bitts,used in geological prospecting,coal mining and oil well boring. 适用于地质勘探、取心钻头、电煤钻、截煤机齿、石油牙轮钻和刮刀钻头。
- It is the first stock company transformed from the printing plant of former MCI Geological prospecting Company in order to fit the need of market economy. 郑州明达彩色印刷有限责任公司在原化工部地质勘探公司印刷厂的基础上,按建立适应市场经济需要的新型企业的要求,改制成为化工地质系统第一家实行股份制的企业。
- TQM has been in effect in China for 20 years with much progress.Its development, however, is uneven, and is especially slow in geological prospecting units. 我国推行TQM已有20年,取得了长足的进展,但发展并不平衡,特别是地勘单位步子较慢。
- Commercial geological prospecting work and mining rights operation is an organic integration of interdependent, reciprocal transformation, and mutually promotive. 商业性地勘工作与矿权经营是一个相互依存、相互转化、相互促进的有机整体。
- The spectrum analysis of the Institute, from establishment in the beginning of 1950’s up to now, have been applied widely in mineral analysis and geological prospecting. 光谱分析工作从50年代初创立至今,在矿物分析、地质找矿等领域得到了广泛的应用。