- Biochronology The measurement of geological time using biological events. 生物年代学:使用生物学事件来测量地质学时间。
- Even if it took a hundred years, that is but a nano-blink in geological time. 即使是上百年的时光,从地质学的感念上来讲也不过是一个瞬间。
- On the geological time scale mankind has existed but for a brief moment. 人类在地质年代表中已经存在,但时间不长。
- A hiatus is the total interval of geologic time. 一个沉积间断是地质时间的总间隔。
- The introduction of geological time into our reasoning is of prime importance for petroleum exploration. 对石油勘探而言,把地质时间引入我们的推论是最重要的。
- Era A unit of the geological time scale that is made up of several periods, e.g. the Mesozoic Era comprises the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. 代:量度地质时期的分类单位,代由若干时期组成,如中生代包括三叠纪、侏罗纪和白垩纪。
- The polycyclic development of geosynclinal belts is controlled by the cyclicity of subduction during e geological time. 地质时期地槽的多旋回发展受到俯冲作用旋回的控制。
- This allowed them to follow 431 “lineages” of marine bivalve through the course of geological time. 这样,他们便可以沿着地质学的时间轴逐个研究431支海洋双壳类的“世系(lineages)”。
- Its geological time, ignored for the early Pliocene, about ape-man Lam and Shaanxi considerable time. 其地质时代、为中理会新世早期,约与陕西蓝田猿人时代相当。
- Precambrian time accounts for as much as eighty-five percent of all geological time. 从前寒武世纪以来地球地面大部分被冰川所覆盖的任何地质年代。
- "One has the feeling," she wrote, "that only the distant billennia of geological time can provide any adequate concept of the scale of the upheaval. “人们感到,”她写道,“只有长达数十亿年的久远的地质时期能够提供一点关于(这种)剧变规模的恰当概念:
- The sudden appearance of abundant and varied fossils makes a worldwide time line for dividing the geological time scale into two main parts. 丰富多样的化石的突然出现为在世界范围内把地质年代划分为两大主要部份提供了时间界限。
- Generally, outcrop of many rocks in the field could be the best examples of rheological deformation occurred during geological time. 地质作用具有充分漫长的时间,所以野外露头成为研究天然流变学最好的现场,流变学理论在力学中自19世纪下半叶以来已经有迅速的发展,但用于解释地质作用的文献仍然很少。
- Measurement of geologic time,as through isotopic radioactive decay. 地质年代测定是通过放射性同位素衰变来测定的。
- A unit of geologic time that is a division of a period. 世地理学中小于纪的时间单位
- The longest division of geologic time, containing two or more eras. 万古地质时期中最长的分段,包括两个或两个以上的代
- A key factor was the churning of the planet's interior by plate tectonics, the process that drives the slow shifting continents and ocean basins over geological time. 重要的一点是,我们的行星上存在板块运动的大搅拌,这个过程促使大陆和海洋盆地在过去的地质历史中不断发生变化。
- Focusing on understanding geological time, stratigraphy has made three milestone achievements characterized by lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy. 摘要围绕对地质时间的认识,地层学取得了从岩石地层学、生物地层学和旋回地层学3次里程碑性的重大进展。
- The theory holds that evolution proceeds by spurts-radical changes over short (in geological time) periods of time-with intervening periods of equilibrium. 这个理论认为进化在短期内经历了根本突变,中间又介入均衡阶段。
- There was a diversification of the gymnosperms, and fossil groups such as the Bennettitales and Caytoniales evolved during this period.See also geological time scale. 在这一时期存在的裸子植物发生了分化,有本内苏铁目Bennettitales和开通目Caytoniales的化石可以证明。