- geometric difference equation 几何差分方程
- These results generalize and improve some known results about both neutral and delay difference equation. 所有结果推广和改进了关于中立和时滞差分方程已有结果。
- A kind of ordinary difference equation that can be transferred to Euler equation, often appears in polar coordinates solution of elastic problems. 在弹性力学问题的极坐标解答中,经常会遇到一类可转化为欧拉方程的常微分方程。
- At the same time, by solving the difference equation at real time, the rules of the air contaminant distribution along the tunnel are revealed. 在进行交通流仿真的同时,实时地求解该差分方程,从而确定隧道内污染物浓度沿纵向的分布规律。
- Because of error by dispersing albinism differential equation, the response of difference equation is changed relative to differential equation. 由于离散化引入了误差,导致白化微分方程和差分方程的响应发生了变化。
- After that,the difference equation and b ou ndary condition were derivated and the solution was analyzed.Finally, one numer ic example was given. 采用小挠度弯曲理论的微分方程,建立简化模型的边界条件,用差分法求解方程,并给出算例。
- The input-output difference equation model of MIMO and the state space model can easily be transform one from to the other. 证明了多变量输入-输出差分方程模型与其对应的标准状态空间模型可以经变换而由一种模型得到另一种模型。
- Consider a class of nonl inear difference equation,the nonconvergence of positive solutions of the equati ons proved by direct computation method. 运用直接计算的方法证明了一类非线性差分方程的所有正解均为发散的.
- The paper is regarding a fourth-order rational difference equation, proving that the positive equilibrium point of the equation is globally asymptotically stable. 研究了一个四阶有理差分方程,证明了该方程的正平衡点是全局渐近稳定的。
- The modeling of GM(1,1) model is to gain difference equation by dispersing albinism differential equation, then estimate model parameters by the difference equation. 摘要GM(1,1)模型的建模过程是由白化微分方程离散化得到差分方程,再由该差分方程估计模型参数。
- The modeling of GM (1,1) model is to gain difference equation by dispersing albinism differential equation, then to estimate model parameters by the difference equation. 摘要GM(1,1)模型的建模过程是由白化微分方程离散化得到差分方程,再由该差分方程估计模型参数。
- This paper presents a numerical procedure to solve the partial difference equation that must be satisfied by the value of a mortgage loan according to CIR model. CIR模型表明,住房抵押贷款合同的价值满足一个偏微分方程。
- In this paper, we expound the reqularity of change in price when the supplies and de-mand of commodity change in the mathematical model of difference equation. 本文利用差分方程这一数学模型阐明了商品供应量和需求量变化时,其价格变动的规律,用数学方法印证了大卫。
- The modeling of GM(1,1) model is to gain difference equation by dispersing albinism differential equation,then to estimate model parameters by the difference equation. 模型的建模过程是由白化微分方程离散化得到差分方程,再由该差分方程估计模型参数。
- Using the difference equations, we can try to reconstruct the deep past. 我们可以尝试使用差分方程式重建非常久远以前的历史。
- The principle and method of design are introduced, and the indexes of performance like the difference equation of FIR filter,and frequency response curses etc.are shown. 本文介绍了FIR带通滤波器的设计原理和设计方法,给出了FIR滤波器的差分方程、频率特性曲线等性能指标。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- Not situated at or in the geometric center. 离心的不位于或在几何中心的
- Previous chapters have dealt with the derivation of systems of difference equations. 前面几章已经论述了差分方程组的推导。
- Each and every difference contains contradiction. 每一个差异中无不包含矛盾。