- The Geometric Modeling Techniques and Calculation of the Points of Intersection in CNC Milling Simulation Field 数控铣削加工仿真中的几何建模与求交计算
- geometric modeling techniques 几何建模技术
- With the advanced geometric modeling technique, the interactive design of both bodice prototype amd patterns of bra cup are realized with the application of Visual C++ and OpenGL. The main results of this research are listed as follows: 以Visual C++和OpenGL图形库为手段,创造性地实现了内衣平面版型和三维结构的数字化设计。
- Chuck Ballard etc. (1998). Data Modeling Techniques for Data Warehouse[M] ,IBM. 王珊等;数据仓库技术与联机分析处理[M];北京科学出版社;1998.
- The design related tasks performed by a CAD system are Geometric modeling, Engineering analysis, Design review and evaluation, Automated drafting. 由cad系统完成的设计工作包括几何模拟、工程分析、设计修改与评估、自动绘图。
- The design related tasks performed by a CAD system are Geometric modeling, Engineering analysis, Design review and evaluation, Automated drafting. 由CAD系统完成的设计工作包括几何模拟、工程分析、设计修改与评估、自动绘图。
- He constructed one geometric model,in which some infinite series with Catalan numbers as coefficients were contained. 指出了明安图是世界上第一位卡塔兰数的发明人;他构建了一个几何模型;在这个几何模型中包含了用卡塔兰数作为系数的无穷级数.
- The method is presented in details by using DCL to parameter dialog, AutoLisp to driving program and drawing 3D geometric modeling. 具体描述其开发途径 ,用DCL语言编制对话框、用AUTOLISP语言设计DCL的驱动程序和三维图形的绘制。
- The parametric modeling or macroprogramming capability of computer-aided drafting or geometric modeling may be useful for this task. 参数建模,计算机辅助绘图的宏编程能力或几何建模在完成此类任务时会非常有用。
- The rigor geometric model based on affine transform is a good algorithm for optic imagery with few GCPs. 严密投影仿射变换模型是针对少地面控制点的星载光学影像的一种有效的校正算法;
- This course introduces the mathematical modeling techniques needed to address key questions in modern biology. 本课程介绍近代生物学上需要提出重要问题的数学模型方法。
- Generating subdivision surfaces with complicated curve interpolation constrains is a concerned topic for computer graphics and geometric modeling. 带有复杂型曲线插值约束的细分曲面的生成,是计算机图形学及几何造型技术等领域所关心的一个问题。
- As the complexity of systems increases, so does the importance of good modeling techniques. 当系统的复杂性增加,好建模技术的重要性也一样。
- Methods The idealized two-dimensional geometric model of cirsoid aneurysm was established. 方法构建了二维理想化的蜿蜒型脑动脉瘤(有2个动脉瘤)几何模型。
- For traditional modeling techniques, such as entity relationship diagram or data flow diagram, no specific test techniques are available to date. 对于传统的建模技术,例如实体关系图或数据流程图,没有可用的特定测试技术会过时。
- The paper proposes a method to generate automatically the geometric model and the finite element mesh with randomly distributed aggregates. 本文提出一种自动生成骨料随机分布的几何模型及其有限元网格的方法。
- Based on the Advanced Model Extension (AME) of AutoCAD R12.0, solid modeling techniques applied to aircraft landing gear constructions are studied. 基于微机AutoCAD平台下的实体造型扩展AME研究飞机起落架实体造型。
- A solution that Java3D constructs gridding model's display on the client side and the server side realizes geometric modeling function ground on ACIS is proposed. 本文提出了一种由Java3D构建客户端网格模型显示,服务器基于ACIS实现几何造型功能的解决方案。
- Using the lingo and modeling techniques of military planners, the DTRA group tackled two primary scenarios, both set in 2010. DTRA使用军方计画人员的术语和模型建构技术,设计了两个主要状况,两者的时间都设定在2010年。
- After extracting and abstracting blanket features, the geometric model is defined by Backus Normal Form and associative concepts are normalized. 经过特征提取和抽象,采用BNF范式对包层几何模型进行了定义,并规范相关概念;