- The geometrical characteristics analysis of grain is the important base of metallographical analysis. 晶粒的几何特征度量是金属性能分析的重要基础。
- Abstract The geometrical characteristics analysis of grain is the important base of metallographical analysis. 摘要 晶粒的几何特征度量是金属性能分析的重要基础。
- The limit capacity of intersection s is determined by the geometrical characteristics of itself as well as the characteristics of vehicles. 然而,交叉口处固有的通行能力大小,是交叉口本身的特性所决定的,同时这也与车辆等诸多因素密不可分。
- It is found from numerical results that, geometrical characteristics of tapered roller can lead to conical shaped distributions of EHL pressures and film thicknesses. 结果表面:由于圆锥滚子几何形状的特点,导致接触区内压力和膜厚的分布曲面出现馀度;
- This work concluded that the geometrical characteristics of clypeus of Dung Beetle Copris ochus Motschulsky was very important for their digging ability. 通过拟合曲线的曲率图和二阶导数图的变化,对蜣螂头部表面轮廓线进行了分析,认为蜣螂头部特定的几何外形对其挖土打洞具有重要的作用。
- By analysing geometrical meanings of the cubic rational B-spline weight factor, the paper presents a study of the geometrical characteristics of cubic rational B-spline curves. 摘要通过对三次均匀有理B样条曲线权因子几何意义的分析,从而研究了三次有理B样条曲线的几何特性。
- The irradiation time, the wavelength and intensity of visible irradiation light and many other factors have a great influence on the geometrical characteristics of flake silver powders. 可见光的辐照时间以及波长和强度等对所得片状银粉的几何特征影响较大。
- If every hinge point of a fold in profile are connected, we can get an imaginary plane which divides the fold symmetrically. This imaginary plane is known as axial plane. The geometrical characteristics are used to classify folds. 如果在横断面上将一个褶曲各弯曲层上的枢纽点连接起来,便可得到一个对称分隔褶曲的标志面,这个标志面叫做褶皱轴面,可以用褶皱轴面的几何学特征来作褶皱分类。
- So it is very difficult to accurately grasp the physiological or abnormal situation, geometrical characteristics of the object and spatial relationship with surrounding anatomical tissues. 然而,要准确地把握分析对象的生理病理性质、空间几何特征及其与周围生物组织之间的空间关系,仅凭这种传统方法是极为困难的。
- There exists an optimal Strouhal number for the greatest enhancement of mass transfer in this model, which appears to have a strong relation with the geometrical characteristics of the cavity. 传质的强化效果随着Re和A的增大而增强;而且对于该模型存在最佳的St;它与凹槽的几何结构有很大关系.
- Lacustrine level chan ge, which is an important subject to study terrigenous sequence in fault-depre ssed lacustrince basin, directly controlled the terrigenous sequence geometrical characteristics. 湖平面变化是研究断陷湖盆层序地层的主要内容,它直接控制着陆相层序诸多几何学方面的特征。
- Shen, H.-C,. Huang, S.-T., Tang, C.-H. and Hsu, Y.-Y. (1996) Geometrical characteristics of structural inversion on the offshore of Miaoli, Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 30, 79-110. 沈显全、黄旭灿、汤振辉、徐永耀(1996)苗栗外海的地质构造逆转特徵。台湾石油地质,第30号,第79-110页。
- The geometrical characteristics of sunken column in North China Coalfield is summarized from the aspects of its planar shape, sectional shape,development height and axle center change, etc. 从平面形状、剖面形状、发育高度及中心轴变化方面,总结了华北煤田陷落柱的几何特征。
- geometrical characteristics of human face 人脸几何特点
- By utilizing the geometric characteristics of signal constellations, a complex SD algorithm maintaining the initial signal dimension is derived. 利用信号星座图的几何特点,推导了一种保持原信号维数的复数球形译码算法;
- It covers not only triangle normals around vertex but also other geometrical characteristic, such as triangle area to calculate cost of collapse, which efficiently simplifies mesh models. 该算法除了考虑顶点周围三角形的法向量外还考虑其他几何特征如三角形面积等来计算边的折叠代价,能够有效地对网格模型进行简化;
- Geometrical theorems grew out of empirical methods. 几何定理是从经验得出的。
- So how to generate adaptive finite element mesh that can reflect physical and geometric characteristics of the structure is a necessary step to apply AFEA. 生成反映结构物理特征和几何特征的自适应有限元网格是应用自适应有限单元法的必要环节。
- Huang, K.Y., T.C. Lin, 2000, Identifying the Geometric Characteristics of Big Plant Phalaenopsis with Machine Vision, ASAE paper No. 003024, St. Joseph, Mi. 黄国益。林圣泉。2000。应用机器视觉在蝴蝶兰苗几何特徵之估算。八十九年度农业机械论文发表会论文摘要集:123-124。
- The microscopic structure of lithium niobate crystals is deeply studied by investigating geometric characteristics of the constituent structural units or atomic groups. 利用铌酸锂晶体的结晶学结构特征,从微观角度上分析和研究了铌酸锂晶体的结构与离子迁移之间的关系规律。