- The non-equal force is produced in different layers of geotextile used in dam in the process of geotextile reinforcement, and the effect of different part or different layer is also different. 由于土工织物加筋过程中每层土工织物的受力并不均匀,并且各层土工织物所起的作用并不相同,有必要进行土工织物与土的相互作用分析。
- This paper introduces instrument layout,bury method and test result of the geotextile reinforced cushion on-site stress test on a certain waterbreak. 介绍了某防波堤土工织物加筋垫层现场应力测试中的仪器布置、埋设方法和测试结果。
- Mechanism of Geotextile Reinforcement and its Experimental Research 土工织物加固机理及其实验研究
- The research of development of negative skin friction of piles is the basic study in revealing the work principle of geotextile reinforced piled embankments. 研究桩周土堆载固结过程中单桩负摩擦力发展规律是揭示桩承式加筋路堤承担路堤荷载的工作机理及沉降发展规律的基础性工作。
- Base on the actual engineering of geotextile reinforced cushion on high fill ground treatment, the design key-points and construction methods are presented in the paper. 结合土工织物加筋垫层处理高填土地基的工程实例,介绍土工织物加筋垫层处理设计要点和施工方法,并根据施工效果检验结果证明该方法的可靠性。
- An Approach to Tensile Safety Coefficient of Composite Geotextile Reinforcement 关于复合土工带抗拉安全系数的探讨
- Geotextile reinforcement of soft foundation and observation for sea embankment project of Zhapu port 乍浦港海堤工程软基织物加筋及观测
- The soldiers held the fort desperately till reinforcement arrived. 战士们拼死坚守阵地,直到援军到来。
- Deformation analysis for Geotextile reinforced earth structure 加筋土工布为筋件的结构变形分析
- geotextile reinforcement 土工织物加筋
- This roof needs some reinforcement. 这屋顶需要加固。
- The general threw reinforcement into the battle. 将军将增援部队投入这个战役中。
- Position tow hook on reinforcement. 在加固物上定位拖曳钩。
- The designer chooses the layout of reinforcement. 设计者选择钢筋布置。
- Position front bumper reinforcement on vehicle. 将前保险杆加强组件置于车轮。
- The reinforcement was unidirectional. 增强是单方向的。
- Field Measurement and Analysis of Stress in Geotextile Reinforced Bedding Course for Breakwaters 防波堤土工织物加筋垫层现场应力测试与分析
- Armies fought badly; he sent them reinforcement. 军队打仗失利,他派去援兵。
- Determination of allowable tensile strength for geotextile reinforcing seft foundation under embankment 堤坝下软基加筋土工织物的允许抗拉强度确定
- One way is through psychological reinforcement. 一个方法是心理强化作用。