- germ layer formation 胚层形成
- Methods: Add sodium chloride injection to the germ layer medium. 方法:菌层培养基加氯化钠注射液。
- The middle embryonic germ layer, lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm, from which connective tissue, muscle, bone, and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop. 中胚层中间胚芽层,位于外胚层和内胚层之间,最终发育成结缔组织、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿系统及循环系统
- The middle embryonic germ layer,lying between the ectoderm and the endoderm,from which connective tissue,muscle,bone,and the urogenital and circulatory systems develop. 中胚层中间胚芽层,位于外胚层和内胚层之间,最终发育成结缔组织、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿系统及循环系统。
- This paper is concerned with the process of the layer formation boronized on armco iron by gas boronizing by means of the method of X-ray. 渗硼层的形成机理,一直是渗硼研究的重要课题。 本文主要采用X射线法对用气体法在工业纯铁上形成渗硼层的过程进行了研究。
- The layer of cells formed by the cleavage of a fertilized mammalian egg.It later divides into the three germ layers from which the embryo develops. 胚盘由哺乳动物受精卵分裂而形成的细胞层。后期分裂为三层,胚胎由此发育
- In this model, the process of coke deposition is divided into three steps: the first layer formation, the multi-layers formation and the plugging of pores. 此模型认为结焦过程可分为三个阶段:单层结焦、多层结焦及微孔堵塞。
- The layer of cells formed by the cleavage of a fertilized mammalian egg. It later divides into the three germ layers from which the embryo develops. 胚盘,由哺乳动物受精卵分裂而形成的细胞层。后期分裂为三层,胚胎由此发育。
- Derived from two embryonic germ layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm. Used of lower invertebrates, such as sponges and coelenterates. 双胚层的具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物
- The outermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo, from which the epidermis, nervous tissue, and, in vertebrates, sense organs develop. 外胚层胚胎最初三层胚层中的最外一层,由此发育成为表皮、神经组织和脊椎动物的感觉器官
- Until now, the three germ layers formed, the three germ layers is the development of primordial matrix. 到现在为止,三胚层就形成了,三胚层是胎体发育的始基。
- The outermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo,from which the epidermis,nervous tissue,and,in vertebrates,sense organs develop. 外胚层胚胎最初三层胚层中的最外一层,由此发育成为表皮、神经组织和脊椎动物的感觉器官。
- Derived from two embryonic germ layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm.Used of lower invertebrates, such as sponges and coelenterates. 双胚层的具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物
- Derived from two embryonic germ layers,the ectoderm and the endoderm.Used of lower invertebrates,such as sponges and coelenterates. 双胚层的具有两个胚层(外胚层和内胚层)的。用于低等无脊椎动物,如寄生虫和腔肠动物
- The innermost of the three primary germ layers of an animal embryo,developing into the gastrointestinal tract,the lungs,and associated structures. 内胚层动物胚胎三个原始胚层的最内层发育成胃肠道、肺及其附属衍生结构
- The innermost of the three primary germ layers of an animal embryo, developing into the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, and associated structures. 内胚层动物胚胎三个原始胚层的最内层发育成胃肠道、肺及其附属衍生结构
- They are characterized by their potential to self-renew indefinitely and to differentiate into any of the three germ layers - endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. 阐明胚胎干细胞全能性维持以及向各种特定细胞分化的分子机制,不仅有助于我们了解胚胎发育过程,而且将促进胚胎干细胞尽早应用于疾病治疗。
- After a period of growth, to 4 pm at the blastoderm over the weekend inside and outside the two germ layers, from the ectodermal layer of differentiated cells within the mesoderm to form embryos. 经过一段时间的发育,到4周末时在胚盘内、外两胚层之间,由外胚层分化出一层细胞,形成胚内中胚层。
- Embryonic stem cell possess multi-directional differentiation capacity and can differentiate into all sorts of cells of three germ layers,it has the widely use in the treatment of tissue repair. 胚胎干细胞具有多向分化潜能,在组织修复治疗方面具有广阔的应用前景。
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint. 这一岩层中有大量燧石。