- The seed-borne fungi and seed germination test were examined by using blotter method. 经吸水纸法培养莴苣种子无菌类附著。
- The seed germination test showed that the two composts did not inhibit any of the germination phenomena. 而病原菌之检测结果亦显示,堆肥化过程中所产生之高温对病原菌具有抑制及消灭效果。
- This ecperiment strdies the effects of rare-earghs on the germination percentage of balloonflower seeds. The germination test was done byL1645 orthogonal method under different conditions such as rare-earth concentration,time and temperature. 本试验就不同的稀土浸种浓度、时间、温度,采用L_(16)~4~5正交试验的方法,对桔梗种子进行了室内发芽试验。
- Title: Studies on Standardization Method of Seed Germination Testing of Woad (Isatis tinctoria L. 关键词:板蓝根;发芽试验;发芽温度;发芽床
- Keys in Germination Test for Water Spinach Seed 蕹菜种子发芽试验应注意的问题
- Several Problems in Seed Germination Test 种子发芽试验中应注意的问题
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Effects of extracting solution from Hemarthria altissima,Ageratum conyzoides and Zoysia matrella on seed germination and seedling growth of Cajanus cajan(cultivar No.3,No.4)and Merremia hederaceawere studied through germination tests. 用牛鞭草,胜红蓟和沟叶结缕草3种植物提取液处理鱼黄草和木豆品种3号、4号种子,测定种子发芽率、苗高、根长和苗鲜重。
- Methods:By means of germinative test and agar diffusion,130 sorts of Chinese herbal medicine were screened synchronously. 方法:采用琼脂扩散法和芽管试验法对130种中草药进行同步筛选。
- Wheat and rice seeds treated with CMF were used to conduct germination tests and to determine the activity of the above mentioned enzymes and some variations in physiological indexes. 用CMF处理小麦、水稻种子,进行发芽试验并测定芽期上述酶的活性及某些生理指标的变化,发现它们与离体条件下的酶活性变化规律一致。
- Choosing the Artemisia annua L. seeds growed the five different places, using standard germinative test and in Different conditions. 摘要选取5个生长于不同地方的黄花蒿种子,采用标准发芽试验方法将其置于不同的条件下进行发芽试验。
- Problems Should be Pay Attention in Cotton Germination Test 棉种发芽试验中应注意的几个问题
- Study on Digital Image Process Application in the Germination Test 数字图像处理在玉米发芽试验中的应用研究
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- Temperature is most important for seed germination. 温度对种子的发芽至关重要。
- Study on Seed Germination Test of Several Wild Vegetables 几种野生蔬菜种子的发芽试验
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- Germination Test Research of Eggplant Stock Tuolubamu 茄子砧木托鲁巴姆发芽试验研究
- It will be wise to go over your test paper again. 还是把您的考卷再检查一遍的好。
- Let us show you to see the engine to test. 让我们指给你看要测试的发动机。