- He fell sick with malaria on a trip to Africa. 他在去非洲时患了疟疾。
- The little girl's eyes were red with weeping. 那个小女孩哭得两眼通红。
- Most of these people got sick after having contact with pet prairie dogs that were sick with monkeypox. 这些人大多数在接触患有猴痘的草原宠物狗后发病。
- My aunt was sick with me for being rude. 姨妈嫌我粗暴无礼心里很不高兴。
- The dramatis personae of this story was a boy in a gutter of San Francisco .Becuase of cacotrophia,he got sick with his leg.He couldn't stand with his leg straight. 他是橄榄球员传奇人物吉姆 布朗的球迷,每当吉姆所在的克里夫兰布朗斯队和旧金山49人队在旧金山比赛时,这个男孩便不顾双腿的不便,一跛一跛地到球场去为自己的偶像加油。
- The blue eyes were reddened and sullen with weeping. 一对碧眼哭得发红,没了光辉。
- Her eyes were swollen with weeping. 她把眼睛都哭肿了。
- The little girl rs eyes were red with weeping. 那个小女孩哭得两眼通红。
- I got sick of his smoking in the classroom. 我讨厌他在教室抽烟。
- They have gone with weeping eyes and hearts. 他们走了,心情悲痛,泪眼汪汪。
- I can't afford to get sick(= become ill). 我病不起。
- Philip felt on a sudden sick with fear. 菲利浦吓坏了。
- The child's small Body shook with weeping. 孩子的小身躯因抽泣而抖动。
- Most people get sick because of the cold weather. 由于天气泠大多数人得了病。
- We all get sick at one time or another. 我们总有生病的时候。
- Trembling with fear; sick with the flu. 害怕的发抖;感染了流行性感冒
- People will not get sick anymore. 人们不会再生病。
- He fall sick with malaria on a trip to africa. 他在去非洲时患了疟疾。
- I don't want to get sick either! 朱丽叶:我也不想生病!
- I get sick of those who are always putting on airs. 装腔作势,摆架子。