- He got an idea and suddenly struck his knee with his hand. 他想出了个主意,猛得用手拍了一下膝盖。
- By studying the sketch, we can get an idea of the operation of a simple laser. 研究一下简图,我们就能对简单激光器的操作得到一个概念。
- Keep doing this so we can get an idea about the severity of her deafness. 你重复这样做,我们就可以判断她的耳聋有多严重了。”
- Always keep a paper and pencil handy, and if you get an idea write it down. 不要忘了把纸和笔拿在手里,如果有了主意一定要把它写下来。
- Talk to enough investors and you get an idea of whether we have capitulation. 多去和投资者接触,你就会有个大概的概念市场是否已经触底。
- John I've got an idea for you, Malcolm. 我倒替你想出了一个主一。
- I've got an idea for you, Malcolm. 我倒替你想出了一个主意, malcolm。
- Submitting mortgage quotes for secured car loan helps get an idea of the lender and his offerings. 汽车贷款抵押担保递交报价有助于了解一下放款及其祭品。
- To get an idea how current our translations are, we have created a page with the current translation status. 为了使你了解目前翻译的进展,我们创建了一个反映当前翻译状态的页面。
- Consider the case of iterating through a collection to get an idea of the real costs incurred. 考虑迭代一个集合的情况,以了解实际花费的开销。
- Suddenly in the extreme of his exasperation he got an idea. 他在气急败坏中居然心生一计。
- The exact figures aren't available, but see if you can get an idea of how much this will cost. 确切数字还不能提给你,但你可否有个概念大概要花多少钱?
- Well, I have got an idea: could you fax your message to us? 我有一个主意:请把您要说的用传真发过来好吗?
- When you get an idea before any one else, you take out a patent on it: it is yours. 当你首先想出了一个办法,你就去领一个专利证,这个办法就是属于你的。
- I've got an idea they'll seem to get the very superficiality in a few years. 我认为几年后他们就会变得非常浅薄。
- We wanted to get an idea about how effectively can animals sense brain-stimulation cues. 我们曾经希望得到一种概念,这就是,动物们能够如何有效地感觉刺激大脑的暗示。
- To get an idea of what a logo design should be like you should research how other companies design their logos. 为了获得标志设计的创意,你应该研究下其他公司的标志是如何设计的。
- This helps you get an idea of whether to compress files with specific extensions or do the needful. 以决定是否需要压缩文件。
- To get an idea of what the Milky Way once looked like, astronomers have sought to take pictures of galaxies of various ages, from infancy to maturity. 为了解银河系从前的相貌,天文学家已试图拍摄从婴儿到成熟期各种年纪的星系影像。
- The constable's got an idea;he wants you to paint to hang in his home. 那警察还有个构思,要请你替他画一幅画挂到家里去。