- He counterfeited the manager's signature to get by under false pretences. 对于这种伪造票据逃漏税款的行为,我们要予以有力地打击。
- try to wangle; try to get by under false pretences 希图蒙混过关
- get by under false pretences 蒙混过关
- Made a mistake and write a check of and write check must attitude regular, can not lie to act in pettish to play to depend on scheme to get by under false pretenses on the bed! 第十四:犯了错误是要写检查的,写检查一定要态度端正,不得躺在床上撒娇耍赖企图蒙混过关!
- The thieves got into the house under false pretences,by saying they had come to repair the telephone. 小偷们捏造口实,说是来修理电话的,藉以闯入住宅。
- The thieves got into the house under false pretences,by saying they had come to repair the water taps. 小偷们捏造口实,说是来修理水龙头的,借以闯入住宅。
- The thieves got into the house under false pretences, by saying they had come to repair the water taps. 小偷们捏造口实,说是来修理水龙头的,藉以闯入住宅。
- The thieves got into the house under false pretences, by saying they had come to repair the telephone. 小偷们捏造口实,说是来修理电话的,藉以闯入住宅。
- He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences. 他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。
- She was accused of obtaining money under false pretences. 她被控诈骗钱财。
- Tom is lucky he wasn't prosecuted for taking money under false pretences. 汤姆很幸运,没有人告发他骗取金钱。
- I have an uncomfortable feeling that my freedom has been obtained under false pretences! 我总觉得心里不安;因为我的自由是用欺骗的手段取得的!
- Se step in a false position on under false pretences strike sound a false note sail under false colours a play sb falset names in a familiar way. 她和他们打招呼时亲切地直呼其名。
- You caught me under false pretences 你在我错误的虚假下抓住了我
- extort money under false pretences 讹诈钱财
- obtain money under false pretences 诈骗钱财
- I can't get by on such a small salary. 我薪水这么少无法生活。
- How does she get by on such a small salary? 她靠那麽一点儿薪水怎么过活?
- It's a clever plan, but will it get by? 这是一个聪明的计划,但它能成功吗?
- She can't get by on so little money. 她无法靠这一点钱生活下去。