- Most people can't read small print without glasses when they get on in years. "大多数人一上了年纪,不戴眼镜就看不清细小的印刷字体。"
- He is a person who is getting on in years. 他是个上了年岁的人。
- He is getting on in years and can't work. 他老了,不能工作了。
- She's getting on in years(= is no longer young). 她已经上年纪了。
- Grandfather is getting on in years. 爷爷一年比一年老了。
- Though getting on in years, he is still nimble. 他虽然上了年纪,手脚倒还灵便。
- My old dog is still lively,although he's getting on in years now. 虽然我的老狗现在逐渐老了,但它仍然很活跃。
- The man is getting on in years and he is slow to respond. 那男人老了,反应慢了。
- As grandfather got on in years, he became quiet and thoughtful. 祖父上了年纪后,变得寡言、深思了。
- Our dog isn't very playful because it is getting on in years. 我们家的狗不太活跃了,因为它已经老了。
- I am getting on in years and have difficulty getting about. 我已步垂老之年,行动多有不便。
- He's sure to get on in the world. 他一定会出人头地。
- I'm getting on in years and they won't let me work in the fields any more. 我年岁大了,他们不让我再在地里干活了。
- Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day is another good habit to keep your body in the steady equilibrium that can be easily disrupted as you get on in years. 人到了一定年纪以后,身体的稳定平衡很容易被打破,养成每天准时睡觉、准时起床的好习惯却可以使你的身体保持在一个稳定平衡的状态。
- Hollywood star Harrison Ford might be getting on in years, but he still has oodles of appeal. 好莱坞明星哈里森·福特也许有些老了,但是他的魅力仍不减当年。
- How silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years. 一个热情但却失败的求婚者该是多么愚蠢啊,尤其是如果他已经上了年纪。
- How did you get on in your oral examination? 你的口试考得如何?
- Her inheritance has helped her get on in society. 她继承的遗产助她在社会上成功。
- When you are getting on in years (but not ill, of course), you get very sleepy at times, and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across a landscape. 当你渐渐老起来的时候(当然不是病了),你会时常倦怠,而时光就像慢吞吞的老牛走过一片风景般流逝。
- How did you get on in your examination? 你考试考得怎么样?