- He looked upon the wedding ceremony as a mere formality --- something to be got over with as quickly as possible. 他只把婚礼看成一种形式,一件应尽快了结的事。
- He was anxious that his introduction, as her beau, should be gotten over with as quickly as possible. 他心里很急,希望她尽速把他当作男朋友介绍给她家里人。
- Although it is sad when the relationship ends, courts expect that in time, the family will get over with it, focusing on the good memories rather than the loss,” said Brock. 虽然一个人的不幸去世令人伤心,但法院会期待受害者家属能回忆美好的过去,并及时走出伤痛。”
- I was still get over peter when I met and fell in love with Harry. 我与彼得情思未断之际,却遇上了哈里又生恋情。
- Let's get the shopping over with. Are we over with all this shopping? 让我们购完物品。我们购到需要的物品了吗?
- Let's get this job over with; It's a question of getting over an unpleasant task. 让我们把这项工作挨完吧。
- A suit of armour fell over with a loud crash. 胄甲啪的一声重重地摔在了地上。
- His eyes glazed over with boredom. 他的眼神因厌倦而变呆滞。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- I can't get over how rude she was. 她很粗野,我仍心有余悸。
- She came back bubbling over with new ideas. 她带着满脑子的新想法回来了。
- If you give me a leg up, I can get over the wall. 如果你帮我一把,我便能翻过这堵墙。
- The lake was crusted over with ice. 河面上结了一层冰。
- Get over the difficulty is possible. 克服这些困难是有可能的。
- She is glad to get the exam over with. 她很高兴考试结束了。
- He have get over the language barrier. 他已克服了语言障碍。
- His trouble is all over with his death. 他的烦恼随着他的死结束了。
- I can't get over that shirt he was wearing. 我觉得他穿的那件衬衣真可笑。
- Her eyes filmed over with tears. 她一双眼睛因泪水而模糊不清。
- His face glowed all over with pleasure. 他高兴得满面红光。