- get smug about 变得对
- The Chinese tend to be smug about old age. 中国人向来以高龄为荣。
- You have got nothing to be smug about. 你有什么值得自鸣得意的。
- What are you looking so smug about? 你怎么这样一副神气活现的样子?
- You've got nothing to be smug about. 你有什么值得自鸣得意的。
- The mathematicians were almost smug about this accomplishment. 数学家们几乎都为这一成就自鸣得意。
- We had been feeling pretty smug about drinking a glass of red wine with dinner. 在用餐的时候喝上一杯红酒,我们会觉得相当的满足。
- When Arivama was getting smug over it Kira thanked him. 正当他自鸣得意时,吉良开始感谢他。
- Part Jeeves, part clown, part aga, he can “produce, on order, ten tons of lead or a slinky evening gown” and is suitably smug about it. 他有时像一个忠实男仆,有时像个小丑,有时又像一名将军;他可以“根据订单造出几十吨铅或者一袭紧身晚礼服”,并为此感到洋洋得意。
- Don't get into such a bother about small matters. 不要为了区区小事而如此焦虑。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 让我把我的零碎东西收拾起来。
- There's no need to get in a pet about it! 没必要为这件小事发火!
- Have you get any idea about iron? 你知道铁是什么东西吗?
- I just can't get worked up about dancing. 我对跳舞就是提不起劲儿来。
- I detect a hint of I-told-you-so smugness about some of the gloomy advance commentary on Copenhagen. 在一些有关哥本哈根会议的悲观先期评论中,我嗅到了一丝“我早就说过了”的自命不凡感。
- I'm uncertain about how to get there. 我不确切知道怎样才能到达那里。
- Pretty girls shouldn't get a swelled head about it. 漂亮的女孩子不应该因漂亮而自以为了不起。
- It is hard for Jane to get about. 简行动困难。
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使这孩子吃东西,真要费九牛二虎之力。
- He thinks the Mafia are out to get him. 他意识到黑手党要来报复他。