- She soon got tired of learning English. 很快她就对学英语厌倦了。
- He said he was got tired of learning English. 他说他对英语学习有点厌倦了。
- It's the way of business for the public to get tired of a product. 公众逐渐对某一产品失去兴趣是商业上常有的事。
- We must have the spirit of not getting tired of learning and of showing tirelessness in helping others to learn. 我们要有学而不厌,诲人不倦的精神。
- You never get tired of hearing this story. 这个故事百听不厌。
- You never get tired of reading this book. 这本书百读不厌。
- I get tired of hearing my teacher's whiny voice. 我对老师嘀咕不停的声音感到厌烦。
- Mary gets tired of wearing red dresses. 玛丽厌倦穿红色衣服。
- Don't get tired of life; you are still young. 不要对生活厌倦;你还年轻。
- I got tired of her jawing away all the time. 她总是唠叨个没完没了,真让我厌烦。
- Don't you get tired of fighting the cold? 总是这么应对寒冷您不烦吗?
- Then never get tired of putting me down. 他们不厌其烦的批评我。
- I shall never get tired of life, I hope. 我希望永远不对生活感到厌倦。
- I never get tired of watching the landscape. 我总是对窗外的风景看不厌。
- Fred finally got tired of sitting in an office all day. 弗雷德最终对整日坐办公室感到厌烦了。
- I never get tired of reading this book. 这本书我百读不厌。
- I will continue my learning,though I am tired of learning English. 尽管我很烦英语,我还是要学它。
- I started a new hobby. I got tired of working in the garden. 我开始了新的爱好,我对养花已经厌倦了。
- People have got tired of him because he's always blowing his own horn. 人们对他感到厌烦,因为他老是自吹自擂。
- I will continue my learning, though I am tired of learning English. 尽管我很烦英语,我还是要学它。