- What's the matter with you, John? Not getting your oats? 你怎么了,约翰?没跟老婆上床?
- Get your skates on or you'll miss the bus. 快点儿,不然你就赶不上公共汽车了。
- Don't get your new trousers dirty! 别把你的新裤子弄脏!
- Eat up your oats kids! When you finish you can go. 孩子,吃完你的燕麦片!吃完你才可以走。
- Get your bicycle and come for a spin. 把你的脚踏车拿来去兜一圈。
- Get your shoes heeled and soled here. 把你鞋子在这里换底加跟。
- You must get your spending under control. 你必须节制开支。
- We've had to cut a few corners to get your visa ready in time. 我们得简化手续才能将你的签证及时办妥。
- get your oats 过性生活
- Get your equipment ready, it's coming up to zero hour. 把你们的器材准备好,开始行动的时刻到了。
- It won't take you long to get your hand in at cards. 学会打牌用不了多长时间。
- You've got your sweater on wrong side out. 你穿的毛衣里儿冲外了。
- Flax seed Before you go to bed, put two spoons of this flax seed which good for your health into your oat, you will get the benefit as your imagination. 亚麻籽只要向你就寝前喝的燕麦粥中撒入2大汤匙这种有益健康的亚麻籽就能起到预想中的效果。它们富含欧米加-3脂肪酸。
- Have you got your name on the electoral register? 你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗?
- When do you get your next step up? ie When will you be promoted? 你何时晋级?
- It is not hard to dance once you get your feet wet. 跳舞并不难,只要跳跳就行了。
- You've got your hat on skew-whiff. 你帽子戴歪了。
- I was over the moon to get your letter. 接到你的来信,我极为高兴。
- I will tell the boy to get your horses in. 我会告诉那小孩子把你的马都赶到马棚里。
- Those are my cigarettes; get your mitts off them. 那是我的香烟,快把你的手拿开。