- They tried to get a foot in the door. 他们试图加入进来。
- It's difficult to get a foot in the door of publishing. 加入出版界是很难的。
- All we want is to get a foot in the door. 我们就想找点门路。
- Now we've got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China. 现在我们已打开门路,我们希望在中国开辟一个广阔的市场。
- It is difficult to get a foot in the door of teaching. 涉足教育界绝非易事。
- I always wanted to work in TV but it took me two years to get a foot in the door. 我一直想做电视工作,但花了两年才进了这个圈子。
- Once you can get a foot in the door by persuading them to order a small amount it is often possible to go on and sell them large quantities. 一旦你能说服他们同意订购一小部分,那么就往往可能继续下去,并且向他们大量出售。
- The scheme gives them the chance to get a foot in the door of the working world. 这项计划给了他们获得工作的机会。
- The politician has now got a footing in the government service. 那位政治家在政府部门中确立了地位。
- I saw the impression of a foot in the mud. 我看到泥上面有一个脚印。
- An inch in an hour is a foot in a day's work . 积少成多
- This is the very factor for KCS to successfully get a footing in the markets. 这就是KCS立足于市场成功的因素。
- He got a foot sprain in his ankle. 他脚踝受了严重的扭伤。
- The river rose a foot in the night. 夜间,江水上涨了1尺。
- She often has a foot in both camps. 她经常脚踩两只船。
- She often keeps a foot in both camps. 她经常脚踩两只船。
- Through the development of ActiveX from OLE,we see the anatomy of a smart marketing move: Microsoft leveraged a technology it had been developing for years to get a foot in the Internet door. 通过ActiveX从OLE发展而来,我们看到了聪明的市场行销举措的剖析:微软公司利用它多年来已开发出来的技术在Internet的市场上插了一足。
- If you speak the truth, have a foot in the stirrup. 讲真话的人应该一只脚踩在马镫里.
- Through the development of ActiveX from OLE, we see the anatomy of a smart marketing move: Microsoft leveraged a technology it had been developing for years to get a foot in the Internet door. 通过ActiveX从OLE发展而来,我们看到了聪明的市场行销举措的剖析:微软公司利用它多年来已开发出来的技术在Internet的市场上插了一足。
- He had listened and made himself agreeable to her at first, in order to get a footing in Washington Square. 开始时他对她总是洗耳恭听,显得十分可亲,目的是要在华盛顿广场取得立足之地。