- gibberella ear rot of maize 玉米穗腐病
- Serological studies on the relationship between the pathogens of Fusarium ear rot and stalk rot of maize 玉米穗、茎腐病镰孢菌相互关系的血清学研究
- Study on the Infection Cycle of Pathogenetic F. Moniliforme of Maize Ear Rot and Maize Stalk Rot 玉米穗、茎腐病致病串珠镰孢菌的侵染循环关系研究
- Precautionary measure of cutting ear rot of softwood 预防针叶树插穗腐烂的方法
- Causes of Bacterial Stalk Rot of Maize and its Control 玉米细菌性茎腐病发生的原因及防治
- Survey of Maize Ear Rot 玉米穗粒腐病研究概况
- The life cycle of maize is that of a typical angiosperm. 玉米的生活史是被子植物中比较典型的。
- Fusarium Ear Rots of Corn and Methods Used in Resistance Test 玉米镰刀菌性穗腐及其抗病性测定方法
- The mutating extent of maize ear in M2 generation was greater than in control. M2代果穗各性状的变异程度大都显著高于对照。
- bacterial stalk rot of maize 玉米细菌性秆腐病
- Mutual relationship of infection cycles between ear rot and stalk rot caused by Fusarium spp. 玉米镰孢菌穗、茎腐病侵染循环的相互关系。
- fusarium root rot of maize 玉米根腐病
- The incidence of corn ear rot was different between Langfang and Beijing, the former was significantly higher. 不同地区相同时期种植的同一玉米品种,玉米穗腐病的发病程度存在差异,得到的果穗籽粒中毒素积累量也有差异。
- The incidence of ear rot in spring-sown corn is significantly higher than that of summer-sown corn when infested the Asian corn borer. 春播玉米果穗籽粒中霉菌毒素的积累量与夏播玉米存在差异,春播玉米中毒素积累稍高。
- The harvest of maize, the local staple food, was meagre this year. 今年津巴布韦的玉米收成与主粮极为贫乏。
- Identification of Resistance on Maize Germplasm to Maize Ear Rot 玉米穗粒腐病抗病资源鉴定
- Biocontrol of maize sheath blight with Trichoderma spp. 木霉对玉米纹枯病的生物防治。
- The mother of Xiaohua prefers steamed bread made of maize flour. 小华的妈妈最喜欢吃玉米面做的馒头了。
- It mainly attacks Picea jezoensis and causes a white rot of root and butt. 该病主要发生于成熟林分,造成干基特别是根部腐朽。