- ginseng gecko extractum 人参蛤蚧精
- Using the most advanced processing techniques, Panax Ginseng Extractum will deliver the highest quality nutritional supplement for optimal health . 由于采用特殊的去燥工艺炮制,具有补而不壅,温而不燥的特点,是一种适于长期服用的滋补强壮佳品。
- Maybe a little frog on my hip, or a gecko. 也许在臀部刺一只小青蛙还是壁虎什么的。
- I crossed seas and rivers to search for ginseng. 翻江过海来挖参。
- The Gecko and Lizard Kingdoms greets you today. 壁虎与蜥蜴王国今天向你们问候。
- No Harold, No Gecko, No cockroaches, nothing. 没有霍华德、有壁虎、有蟑螂,什么都没有。
- This is the genuine ginseng from Northeast. 这是道地的东北人参。
- Gecko: Oh, my God! Where is my tail? 哦!天哪!我的尾巴哪儿去了?
- Gecko: The fuzzy one, Thank you! 毛茸茸的那个。谢谢!
- The gecko's thumbs can stick to glass. 壁虎脚上的吸盘可以吸住玻璃。
- There is a flourishing trade in ersatz ginseng. 人参代用品的买卖很兴
- No Howard, No gecko, No cockroaches, nothing. 没有霍华德、没有壁虎、没有蟑螂,什么都没有。
- Where is the best ginseng produced? 哪里的人参最好?
- Gecko mom took little gecko to walk on the lawn. 壁虎妈妈带着小壁虎在草地上散步。
- It looks very much like ginseng. 样子跟人参很相似。
- My aunt said you wanted some ginseng. 我阿姨说你要些人参。
- Jilin Ginseng Pilose Anlter Co., Ltd. 吉林省参茸公司。
- Cultivation technique of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. 野山参的培育技术。
- CODEX Ginseng standard to cover one species? 国际食品法典委员会起草完成人参质量标准?
- Ginseng, Fish, Berries, or Caffeine? 人参、鱼、草莓、还是咖啡因?