- give off a peculiar smell 散发异味
- These rotting bananas are giving off a bad smell. 这些腐烂的香蕉发出难闻的气味。
- The apples give off a very sweet smell. 这些苹果散发出非常香甜的味儿。
- The wild flowers give off a nice smell. 田野的花朵发出怡人的芳香。
- The cooker is giving off a funny smell. 锅里冒出一股怪味。
- Rotten eggs give off a bad smell. 臭蛋散发出难闻的气味。
- They became aware of a peculiar smell in the room. 他们开始意识到房间里有一股奇怪的气味。
- The civet durian gave off a bad smell. 榴莲散发出难闻的味道。
- These gas lasers give off a continuous beam. 这种气体激光器产生连续不断光束。
- It gave off a sickly, oily smell. 它有一种令人难受的油味儿。
- The liquid gave off a strong smell. 这种液体发出强烈的气味。
- Now and again, he caught a whiff of a peculiar smell. 他不时闻到一股怪味。
- The flowers gave off a fragrant odor. 花发出一阵幽香。
- Osmanthus blossoms give off a rich perfume. 桂花发出浓郁的芳香。
- The roses gave off a nice smell. 那玫瑰发散着芬芳。
- The running water has a peculiar smell, it has too much bleaching powder in it. 这个自来水里的漂白粉放多了吧,有些异味!
- At 60 mpg, they would give off a billion tons. 如果是每公升25.;2公里,就会排出10亿吨。
- The rotten eggs gave off a bad smell. 臭鸡蛋发出难闻的气味。
- The crystals give off a faint glow. 这些水晶发出微弱的光芒。
- The bad fish gave off a strong smell. 坏鱼发出难闻的气味。