- He demands, with some justice, that he shall be give an opportunity to express his view. 他要求给他一次机会表达自己的观点,这也不无道理。
- He demanded, with some justice, that he should be given an opportunity to express his views. 他要求给他一次机会表达自己的观点,这也不无道理。
- He asked that he be given an opportunity to explain his case . 他要求给他一个机会解释他的案情。
- He asked that he be given an opportunity to try this method. 他要求给他一个机会来试验这个办法。
- He asked that he be given an opportunity to explain his case. 他要求给他一个机会解释他的案情。
- The accused was given an opportunity to refute the accusations. 被告被给予机会驳斥指控。
- You will be given an opportunity to rephrase what you want to say. 这给了你一个机会可以用不同语言再次表达你想说的话的机会。
- On the final screen, you re given an opportunity to make a boot diskette. 最后一屏,您有机会制作引导软盘。
- It gives an opportunity to see some better football, some calmer football. “这提供了我们展现更好看的足球的机会,更冷静的比赛。
- If the life throws brick at you, you are lucky because you are not forgotten and are given an opportunity to think. 如果生活给你扔了块儿砖头,那么你是幸运的,因为生活还没有把你遗忘,给了你一次思考的机会。
- At least the public has been given an opportunity to hear and judge the communication in controversy. 二是认为,在事后处罚的案件中,公众至少还有机会去了解和评判这种引起争议的言论。
- Each district is given an opportunity to use its DDF to fund TRF programs in which it chooses to participate. 各地区有机会运用其地区的指定基金,用于资助该地区所选择参加的基金会计划。
- A date was set by the court and both parties were given an opportunity to describe their case. 法院确定了一个日子使双方都有机会来阐述他们的案例。
- The defender must be given an opportunity to change direction and avoid contact with the screener. 防守者必须有一次改变方向避免和掩护者身体接触的机会。
- The International Conference will give an opportunity for our local experts to exchange views with experts from around the world with a view to leading Hong Kong into the Information Age. 这次国际研讨会的目的,是让本地专家有机会与来自世界各地的专家交流意见,带领香港迈进资讯新纪元。
- Vela has world class potential and must be given an opportunity to develop his skills. 贝拉有世界级的潜力但是我们必须给他机会去提高他的技术。
- I've been given an opportunity by people before me,to name a few, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Doctor J, Eljohn Baylor, Jerry West. 我这里指出一些:贾巴尔,J博士,韦斯特。这些人早在乔丹出生前就活跃在赛场了。
- They do not only give an opportunity to feast the eyes on the magnificent works of art, which they are, but also introduce the looker into the culture of the country and its traditions. 2、变容积式真空泵的工作原理和优缺点 往复真空泵、旋片真空泵、滑阀真空泵罗茨真空泵是靠活塞往复运动或旋转将气体吸入、压缩并排出。
- I have not been given an opportunity as as a head coach so maybe a groundswell of support from my fans could open a door for me! 我还没有过当主教练的机会,所以如果有我球迷的支持,这个机会的大门将向我打开!
- "Every time Emiliano has been given an opportunity he has shown his quality and the other night was no different," said Aurelio. “每一次因苏阿能够代表一线队比赛都很好地向人们展示了自己的实力。”这位巴西后卫赞扬道。