- You are cordially invited to come and give guidance. 务请光临指导。
- Are you giving guidance or in afternoon in evening? 你是在下午还是在晚上有辅导?
- Are you giving guidance in afternoon or in evening? 你是下午或者晚上有辅导吗?
- To give guidance and instruction to(actors or musicians,for example) in the rehearsal and performance of a work. 导演在排练或演出中(如对演员或乐队)给予引导或指示指导
- To give guidance and instruction to (actors or musicians, for example) in the rehearsal and performance of a work. 导演:在排练或演出中(如对演员或乐队)给予引导或指示指导。
- The township people's governments and urban neighborhood offices shall give guidance and supervision. 乡镇人民政府、城市街道办事处应当予以指导和监督。
- He has consistently given guidance and help to young people. 他一贯提携青年人。
- Professional teachers will give guidance in piano, dancing, drawing, and some other artistic subjests. 具有专业等级水平的讲师辅导钢琴、舞蹈、绘画及各类民族乐器等艺术类科目。
- For instance, volunteer to give guidance to young people, help the elderly and handicapped people etc. 比如去做志愿者辅导青少年,帮助老年人和残疾人等等
- To give guidance and instruction to(actors or musicians, for example) in the rehearsal and performance of a work. 导演在排练或演出中(如对演员或乐队)给予引导或指示指导
- This Programme is formulated in order to give guidance and overall consideration to Beijing's PE and sports work during this period. 为指导和统筹发展机遇期的北京体育工作,特制定本规划。
- Company employees wholeheartedly welcome all users visit companies to give guidance. 公司全体员工竭诚欢迎广大用户光临公司考察指导。
- They also take turns to be on'ward duty'during their duty week to meet individual complainants and to give guidance to staff in processing cases. 此外,议员亦轮流于当值周内值勤,接见个别申诉人士,并就如何处理个案向职员作出指示。
- They also take turns to be on 'ward duty' during their duty week to meet individual complainants and to give guidance to staff in processing cases. 此外,议员亦轮流於当值周内值勤,接见个别申诉人士,并就如何处理个案向职员作出指示。
- Antinomianism makes the great mistake of insisting that God uses the gospel, not the law, to work contrition and to give guidance for Christian living. 反律法主义的重大错误在于极力强调神以福音(非律法)促成罪人的悔改、指导基督徒的生活。
- The administrative departments for cultural relics shall give guidance to such mass protective organizations in their activities. 文物行政管理部门应当对群众性文物保护组织的活动给予指导。
- For the comrades here will have a great deal to do as soon as they return,and will have to give guidance to the many people who will be working with them. 因为同志们回去,不但要立即动手去做许多工作,并且要指导许多工作人员一道去做。
- For the comrades here will have a great deal to do as soon as they return, and will have to give guidance to the many people who will be working with them. 因为同志们回去,不但要立即动手去做许多工作,并且要指导许多工作人员一道去做。
- CENELEC has recently produced the CLC/TR50404: 2003 ‘‘Code of practice for avoidance of hazards due to static electricity’’ to give guidance in industrial situations. 静电技术标准化欧洲委员会最近发布了CLC/TR50404: 2003 “静电危害防止措施的行为规范”来指导工业。
- The State Administration of Coal Mine Safety (hereinafter referred to as SACMS) shall give guidance and supervision over the coal mine safety training work countrywide. 国家煤矿安全监察局指导监督检查全国煤矿安全培训工作。