- I feel that I should give place to a younger man. 我认为我应该让位给年青人了。
- The old must give place to the new. 老的必须让位于新的。
- House and factory give place to open field as the train gather speed. 火车越开越快,把房子和工厂抛在後面进入了一片开阔的田野。
- As science make progress,old way give place to new. 当科学取得进步时,旧方法要让位于新方法。
- It's time we gave place to younger people. 是我们让位给年轻人的时候了。
- Old methods must give place to new. 旧方法应让位给新方法。
- Neither give place to the devil. 27也不可给魔鬼留地步。
- Price give place to quality, Output give place to quality. 价格让位于质量,产量让位于质量。
- As science make progress, old way give place to new. 当科学取得进步时,旧方法要让位于新方法。
- Latin gave place to the vernacular. 拉丁语让位于本国语。
- Her anger gave place to remorse. 她不再感到愤怒,而是感到悔恨。
- It's time he gave place to a younger man. 是他让位于年轻人的时候了。
- It is time we gave place to younger people. 是我们让位给年轻人的时候了。
- The sailing boat has given place to steamer. 帆船已为汽艇所代替。
- Time passes and the old gives place to the new. 光阴飞逝, 推陈出新。
- Winter passed by, giving place to spring. 冬天很快过去了, 春天来临了。
- Winter sped by, gave place to Spring. 冬天很快地过去了,代之而来的是春天。
- Forests have given place to tillage and pasture. 原先的森林已被耕地和牧场所取代。
- His boisterous humour gave place to lowering silences. 他那兴高采烈的脾性为渐渐低落的沉默所取代。
- This morning's fog has given place to bright sunshine. 今天早晨的雾已经散去,现在已阳光灿烂了。