- to give sb free rein 给予某人充分自由
- Give sb a ring Give me a ring if you can come. 如果你能来给我打电话。
- Tom gave him a free pass on the railway. 汤姆给了他一张火车免费乘车券。
- Inveigle a free pass to the screening of the new film. 用哄骗的方式得以免费观赏这部新电影
- All conference registrants will receive a free pass to the GOA show floor. 所有会议登记将收到一份免费的传递给车身展区。
- Have cold feet give sb get the cold shoulder in cold blood leave sb cold make sb's blood run cold pour throw cold water on sthor an activity. 被排斥在某集体或某项活动之外的。
- The audience admitted with free passes. 免费入场的观众
- Give sb six months'interest-free credit, ie allow sb to pay within six months, without adding an extra charge for interest. 给予某人六个月的无息赊欠期。
- To issue free passes for(a theater, for example). 提供免费入场券(如剧院)
- State that you are considering giving sb a rest for a week. 声明你正在考虑让sb放一个星期的假。
- Call sb sth to order get one's give sb his marching orders in apple pie order in running working orderbook in stock but we can order it. 这书我们没有存货,但是可以预订。
- Notice of give sb a present Send close furniture, see literal can know, should be the thing that can make mom more comfortable, say to send a chair for example. 送礼须知送贴心家具,看字面就能知道,应该是能让妈妈更舒适的东西,比方说送椅子。
- I finally got a free pass to the ground and I'm going to cling on to it like grim death. 我终于得到一张去那里的免费通行证,因而我将像格里姆死神牢牢地护着它。
- For the very same reason creditors are getting a free pass now: they expected to be bailed out. 基于同样的原因,债权人如今则想免票乘车:他们当时就料到会得到救援。
- State that you are considering giving sb a prolonged rest from matches. 声明你正在考虑让sb放一个长假。
- State that you are considering giving sb a rest for a couple of weeks. 声明你正在考虑让sb放两三个星期的假。
- Firms also get a free pass for the corrupt practices of their subsidiaries, unless it is proved that they ordered or actively connived in them. 对于子公司的腐败行径,各公司还可豁免其责,除非能证明它们曾下令或积极纵容其子公司。
- Though they agree that Cubans should be allowed to visit their families, they are angry that Mr Obama gave Cuba a free pass. 尽管,他们看来,允许古巴人民回国探访家人的做法毋庸置疑,但令他们气愤的是,奥巴马竟然给古巴通通亮绿灯。
- Give sb a smack on the tail. 打某人屁股一下。
- Give sb the glad eye. 它表示向某人献媚眼。