- It is a pity to give up the job. 要放弃这份工作,真是遗憾。
- The young man was told not to give up the day job. 有人告诉该青年,让他不要放弃自己的专长。
- He will in no wise give up any chances to get a better job. 他不会放弃任何机会以获得一份好工作。
- Given half a chance I'd give up my present job and join a circus. 假使有一点机会,我也要辞去现在的工作去参加马戏团。
- He counselled them to give up the plan. 他建议他们放弃这项计划。
- He seems to have given up the ghost on this job. 他似乎已经放弃了这项工作。
- I give up; tell me what the answer is. 我认输,告诉我答案吧。
- What decided you to give up your job? 什么因素使你决定放弃你的工作?
- He will give up smoking for good and all. 他再也不吸烟了。
- In any case he can not give up it. 他无论如何不会放弃它。
- The priest persuaded him to give up his bad habit. 牧师劝他放弃坏习惯。
- Pearl had to choose between giving up her job or hiring a nanny. 珀尔不得不在放弃工作和雇保姆之间作出选择。
- She was a bit too premature in giving up this job. 她放弃这份工作似嫌太草率。
- He is justified in giving up the job. 他有足够理由放弃这项工作。
- Give up a claim in a civil action. 在民事诉讼中放弃一种要求权。
- He had given up his job because of failing health. 由於体质衰弱他放弃了工作。
- We discouraged him from giving up the job. 我们劝他不要放弃那份工作。
- She won't give up easily: she's a real fighter. 她不会轻易放弃的,她十分顽强。
- After a few tries they decided to give up. 试了几次后,他们决定放弃。
- He was compelled by illness to give up his studies. 他因病被迫放弃学业。