- To indicate or give warning of beforehand;presage. 预示事先暗示或警告;预言
- To indicate or give warning of beforehand; presage. 预示事先暗示或警告;预言。
- I hope you will take the warning to heart. 我希望你注意这个告诫。
- The boy hissed a warning to be quite to the others. 这个男孩用嘘声警告别人肃静。
- The man yelled a warning to the boys on ice. 那个人大声向冰上的男孩们警告。
- The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire. 报警器正发出火警警报。
- The wrecked coach in front is a warning to you. 前车可鉴。
- In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you. 在某种意义上来说,你犯那个错误我倒很高兴,因为那个错误会对你起警告作用。
- The girl winked back a warning to him. 那女孩回递了一个表示警告的眼色。
- The boy hissed a warning to be quiet to the others. 这个男孩向其他人发出嘘声警告他们要安静。
- Warning - Used to signal a warning to the user. 警告-用于向用户发出警告。
- Added option to override the warning to save file. 增加超越警告保存文件选项。
- She winked a warning to the talkative boy. 她向那个多嘴的男孩使了一个表示警告的眼色。
- He gave two words of warning to them. 他警告了他们几句。
- She whispered a warning to me and then disappeared. 她低声警告我一声就不见了踪影。
- The severe punishment is a warning to others. 对这件事情的严肃查办,可以起到惩一警百的作用。
- The black clouds gave warning of an approaching storm. 乌云是暴风雨将要来临的前兆。
- Loose chippings,eg as a warning to motorists. 小心路面碎石(如用以警告开车的人).
- Dreamer man - warning to take life more calmly. 男做梦者--警告生活需要更多镇定。
- Added a better warning to the plugin description. 新增一个对于插件描述更好的提示。