- given order controller 给定阶控制器
- Did Luosifu really give order to assassinate Jiang Jieshi? 罗斯福果真下令暗杀蒋介石吗?
- Did any other company give order for goods from you? 是否有任何其他公司向你们下过定单?
- He was the big shot who gave orders. 他是一个发号施令的大人物。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。
- He gave order that the job was done in three day. 他指示三天内完成这项工作。
- He gave orders that the job be done in three days. 他指示三天内完成这项工作。
- He gave order that the job is done in three day. 他指示三天内完成这项工作。
- Give orders to your desk mates now. 互发指令。
- Now give orders to your desk mates, please. 同桌两人互发指令。
- It is currently the important content to build and perfect the order control system for administrating the employed nurse... 建立、健全聘用护士的规范化管理体系,避免无序流动,稳定护理队伍,提高人员素质,应作为目前军队医院聘用护士管理的核心内容。
- Cruise Orders: Give orders to your ships. 出航命令:给船只的命令
- To combine the items of two or more sets that are each in the same given order into one set in that order. 将两个或多个具有同样给定次序的集合中的诸项按同样顺序合并成一个集合。
- The results of simulation on the second order control model show that this kind of FGA can improve both the convergent speed and the quality of the solution. 在以二阶模型为控制对象的仿真结果表明 ,此种模糊遗传算法不仅加快了解的收敛速度 ,而且大大提高了解的质量
- So Eleazar and Moses did as the Lord had given orders to Moses. 于是摩西和祭司以利亚撒照耶和华所吩咐摩西的行了。
- Database integrity constraints force you to insert or delete data in a given order. 数据库完整性约束迫使您以给定的顺序插入或者删除数据。
- Riot police have been given order to use force to ** evict them, but have so far declined. 防暴警察已经接到了使用武力驱逐抗议者的命令,但目前警方拒绝这么做。
- Pompous officials who enjoy giving orders. 喜欢发号施令的自命不凡的军官
- Give orders concerning individual pirates, captives and ships. 对于个别的海盗,俘虏和船只下命令。
- The captain gave orders to wind the ship. 船长下令掉转船头。