- That spectacle went to his own heart, and in his pain and shame he would have given worlds to have those unkind words back. 此情此景让萨利于心不忍,他非常痛苦,臊得直想把泼出去的水收回来。
- I would give the world to have my health restored . 我愿付出一切以恢复我的健康。
- The hero resistance of the democroatic nations of the world to the onslaught and imposition of barbarous fascism gave World War II its fundamental character of a just war. 直译:世界民主国家对野蛮的法西斯主义进攻和奴役的英勇抵抗,赋予了第二次世界大战以正义的基本性质。
- I would give the world to have my health restored. 我愿付出一切以恢复我的健康。
- I'd give all the world to know what they are doing. 我很想知道他们在干什么。
- Jesus Christ came into the world to save us from our sins. 基督降世拯救我们摆脱罪恶。
- Professor Watson will leave the academic world to take a job in industry. 华森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去工作。
- She was sent into the world to become a writer. 她生来就注定要成为作家。
- We are a moocher in this world to find the food. 也许我们一生都是寻求食物的乞丐吧。
- Night hiking opens up a new world to visitors. 夜游则让游客置身一个全新世界。
- Helen went around the world to tell her story. 海伦环游世界并且讲述她的故事。
- Her children mean the world to her. 她的孩子就是她的一切。
- The outer space is still an unknown world to us. 外太空对我们来说还是个未知的世界。
- We may compare the world to a stage. 我们可以把世界比作一个舞台。
- Path the way for the world to take a pretty bride. 让世界在红地毯上迎娶可爱的新娘!
- We've got the world to begin once again. 咱们又得从头做起了。
- You are not the only one in the world to see it. 世界上看出这种道理来的,却并不止你一个人。
- The great writer compared the world to a stage. 这位大作家把人生比作舞台。
- He went all over the world to search after truth. 为追求真理他行遍全球。
- You whispered dreams of a world to come. 你呢喃着梦境的世界缓缓走来。